During the day they went their separate ways with him working in the office the majority of the time and with her on the job site. Then, in the afternoons while he was at the gym, she used that time to visit with Leah, at least it had started out that way. But now Reese was dominating a lot of her sister’s time and although she knew the two were taking things slowly, just the thought that Leah was spending time with a man, especially the man Leah loved, was gratifying.

Then at night Jocelyn and Bas would meet up somewhere in town, usually at some restaurant or another and enjoy a delicious meal. And since Ms. Sadie had taken Jocelyn into her confidence about Bas’s health issues, she made doubly sure whatever he put in his mouth was good for him.

When night came they stayed over either at her place or his. All she had to do was close her eyes to recall any one time his hard male body had entered hers, taking her breath away, preparing her for the orgasm that he could so effortlessly give her, several times over.

At first it was awkward for her, letting a man dominate so much of her time, but pretty soon she got used to him being around. He was considerate, thoughtful and understanding and seemed to know just when she needed her space. He would give it to her, but not for long. It was as if he wanted her to know that what they were sharing was something he intended to make last until the end.

The end.

She knew they were working against a clock and soon he would be leaving to return to Charlotte. She didn’t want to think about how her life would be when he left. But she had to be realistic enough to know what they were sharing wasn’t forever. He had his life and she had hers. He belonged to the Steele Corporation and she belonged to Mason Construction. Her life was here and his was there. There was no middle ground.

“You’re quiet this morning.”

Jocelyn glanced up and met Leah’s curious stare. “I was just thinking.”

“About Bas?” Leah asked, leaning back against the kitchen counter.

Jocelyn opened her mouth to reply, then stopped. She looked closely at her sister. Growing up they had never shared confidences like some sisters who had close relationships. Maybe it was time they did. “Yes, I was thinking about Bas.”

“The two of you have been spending a lot of time together.”

Jocelyn lifted a brow. “And how do you know that?”

Leah laughed as she poured a cup of coffee. “Hey, give me a break. I wasn’t born yesterday. You aren’t spending the night here anymore and I doubt you’re spending a lot of time at your home in your own bed, so what am I to think?”

After taking a sip of coffee she added, “And don’t forget when Reese first became my boyfriend you hadn’t even started showing any interest in guys. You much preferred playing the part of the builder and holding on to your virginity.”

Jocelyn leaned back in her chair. “Yeah, well, I wish I had held on longer so that Bas could have been my first. I guess in a way he was.”

“Yeah, I’m glad Reese was my first as well,” Leah said quietly, as she came to the table to sit down.

Jocelyn waited a moment before asking, “And how are things going with you and Reese? I can’t help noticing the two of you are spending more and more time together.”

Jocelyn watched a tiny smile touch the corners of Leah’s lips when she said, “That man is so stubborn.” A frown then replaced the smile. “If it was left up to me, we wouldn’t be seeing each other at all. It’s so unfair to him.”

“In what way?”

“Reese is everything a woman could want in a man, and I of all people should know. He’s handsome, kind, considerate and understanding. He should be dating someone who can give him the things he needs, instead of someone like me, a woman who can’t even think about letting him touch me.”

Leah’s finger caressed the handle of her cup before she continued. “We’ve been spending time together for a couple of weeks now and I still can’t let him kiss me, although I know he wants to. And he’s keeping his word by not asking. He gets here at seven every morning to share breakfast with me and before he leaves I know he’s hoping that I’ll open up, be responsive and let him, but I can’t.”