It was still barely light outside and she figured she would have slept right through the night if the growling of her stomach wasn’t a reminder that she hadn’t eaten anything since lunch.


Jocelyn glanced up. Bas was awake and smiling down at her. The flames from the fireplace provided an austere glow to his features. The tone of his voice was sensual and in response to it, she felt a tightening in the lower part of her body. “Yes, I’m hungry,” she said, trying to make her voice sound natural.

This was the first time she had awakened in a man’s arms after hours of lovemaking. The last time, in college, she had asked the guy to leave her room as soon as it was over, thinking it had been a complete waste of time. But that hadn’t been the case with Bas. With him nothing was wasted. They could have been like the Energizer Bunny and kept going and going and going.

“I better feed you or you’ll think I’m not a very good host,” he said, rising to his feet.

Jocelyn swallowed as she gazed up at him. He was stark naked, unashamedly so. He saw the way she was staring at him and flashed a teasing grin. “If you keep looking at me like that, you might not get dinner after all.”

“Then what will I get?” she asked, deciding she might not be as hungry as she’d thought.

“Anything you want. I’m easy.”

She moved her gaze lower to a certain part of him. A smile tugged at her lips. “No, you’re not. Right now I’d say you’re extremely hard.”

He chuckled. “You noticed.”

“Staring me right in the face, how can I not?”

“Should I apologize?”

She shook her head. “No. What you should do is come back down here and let me take care of it.”

He slowly dropped to his knees and then crawled over toward her. “And what do you have in mind?” he asked huskily.

She leaned up and pushed him on his back, then straddled him. “Oh, trust me, Mr. Steele. You’re about to find out.”

“I can’t remember the last time I ate a bowl of chicken noodle soup,” Jocelyn said, taking another spoonful into her mouth.

A deep laugh vibrated from within Bas’s throat. “Hey, I offered to take you into town to one of those restaurants and you turned me down.”

She smiled. “Only because I’m not ready to put my clothes back on. No pun intended but I think we’re on a roll.”

And that, she thought, was the truth. After making love again in front of the fireplace, they had gotten into the hot tub and made love once more before deciding they needed to eat something to keep their strength up. Bas had let her borrow his robe and together they had gone into the kitchen, where, after checking his empty cabinets, they had found a couple of cans of soup amongst his fishing gear. While the soup had been warming on the stove she had taken the time to call Leah. Her sister hadn’t been very talkative, and had, in fact, cut the conversation short, after assuring Jocelyn she was all right.

Satisfied that she had at least spoken to Leah, Jocelyn and Bas had sat down at his kitchen table to enjoy soup and crackers and relish the aftermath of their enjoyment of each other.

Jocelyn figured if she never made love again in her life that would be okay because within the last six hours she had made up for whatever she’d missed in the past and stocked up on what might not be coming her way in the future. But a part of her couldn’t imagine sharing anything so intimate with anyone but Bas. Everything the two of them had shared had been utterly amazing. He was definitely a highly charged sexual man.

“Want some more?”

She glanced up at him and smiled. “Some more of what?”

“Jocelyn,” he said warningly, “haven’t you gotten enough?”

“Of what?” Her tone was innocent. “Soup or you?”

He was sitting across from her at the table wearing just a pair of jeans, and her gaze slid over his bare chest. He was as fine as fine could get and the memories of all those orgasms he’d given her had her body tingling inside out. She wanted to go to him, curl up in his lap, run her hand down his belly, inside his jeans and—

“You’re staying all night?”