“This ball may not be the right setting to make an assessment, but do you believe my sisters can find happiness?”

“They all want to marry?”

“Lydia and Grace. Joanna is more reticent on the matter, but I see the hunger in her eyes. She feels her scar will prevent a man from wanting her.”

Georgiana thought of Joanna, with her dark-red hair and light-blue eyes. The scar on her cheek was not awful, just obvious in an otherwise stunningly beautiful face. “I can see she has very charming manners and is quite intelligent. If any gentleman were to be repulsed by her scar, he would be unworthy.”

A rough sound came from Rhys. “I’ve collected an arsenal of secrets, land, and wealth over the years, and yet I cannot give my sisters what they desire.”

“You are now on the right path.”

“I have secrets to hold over many of the ton. A simple threat might see my sisters married well.”


“More like a business transaction. The thought has occurred me to more than once.”

“Why haven’t you taken that route? Many ladies of society find themselves wed to the men of their father or guardian’s choice.”

“My sisters’ happiness matters to me,” he said gruffly. “They have silly romantic dreams I would never want to see crushed.”

Georgiana’s steps faltered, and they stopped. She faced him and touched the shadowed line of his jaw. In a world where most men saw women as bodies to barter without care for their wishes, his ardent dedication and love for his sisters was…wonderful. He was so unlike any other man she had ever known. How could one be ruthless enough to take a life, but then do everything possible to make others happy?

“You, too, will need to position yourself within society.” The very idea of Rhys with another woman left a queasy sensation in the pit of her stomach, and she had to fight not to retract her words. It would be too selfish of her if she did not express the advantages of a society match.


“Your sisters would be better received if you were also wedded to a suitable young lady of the ton. Perhaps a family who needs money and won’t mind so much…won’t mind so much that…”

“That I am a mongrel?”

She flushed. “That you are without a title. Your sisters are very fortunate to have a brother like you. I remember having romantic dreams and how scared I felt when I was told I was to become the Duchess of Hardcastle.”

She lowered her hand and stepped back, but Rhys placed his hands on her hips and tugged her to him. The simple caress sent waves of heat curling through her body. She closed her eyes briefly, savoring the sensation of his body tight against hers.

“Tell me,” he murmured, his voice warm, sensual, caressing.

“I…I was only thirteen at the time and had those silly romantic feelings for Lord Andrew Winthrop, my brother’s friend. I had dreams of a season, of being wooed and taken to the opera and the theater.”

“Your duke did not woo you?”

She laughed lightly. “No. I was simply told by my parents I was to be his bride. I ran crying to my brother, and he reminded me that my duty was to wed into a family that would solidify our power and finances. And that I would be a duchess. What could be grander? And deep in my heart, I wanted to be a duchess. I then spent the next three years absorbing etiquette lessons, reading political and fashion papers. I badgered Mr. Henshaw, my father’s steward, to show me our ledgers and operations. I wanted to be a good wife to a man and to be an exemplary duchess to his tenants, and servants, whom I’d never met.”

He slipped his hands from her waist and looped one of her arms with his, and they continued toward the seaside. The crashing of the waves reached her ears, and a stiff wind blew across the lands, tangling the skirts of her gown around her legs.

“Do you regret marrying your duke?”

“No. We had a…a…comfortable marriage…and he gave me Nicolas. Traditions, honor, pristine bloodlines, and reputation meant a lot to my family and the duke. It was one of the reasons he approached them for my hand. Our mutual ancestry made for a very strategic alliance.”

“Is it important to you, as well?”

She lifted startled eyes to meet his curious but decidedly cool regard.


He frowned but made no answer. They walked together in companionable silence.

“Have you ever climbed a tree or fished in a lake?”

Georgiana glanced at him. He was staring at the sea. It took her a few moments before she responded. “Why would I ever do that?”

“Why not?”

She smiled. “I haven’t.”

“Have you ever walked barefoot in the sand?”

“No.” But hadn’t she wanted to as a child and been scolded most severely? She frowned, hating to think her life had been not all it could have been. She had a wonderful life with no regrets, and she wouldn’t allow the dratted man to make her to believe something was missing. She had everything she could possibly need—her son, wealth, power…and a lover to soothe her itch and loneliness.

He stopped and dropped to his haunches. “Brace your hands on my shoulders.”

She complied, and he lifted one foot after the other and slipped off her shoes. Georgiana held herself still when he tugged off his gloves and stuffed them into his pocket. She swallowed, a sweet ache fluttering low in her stomach when he touched her ankle with his fingers. She gasped softly. He peered up at her from his crouch, his lips curving with sensual intent. The heated desire in his stare kindled a yearning deep inside her body. His fingers were warm, slightly rough, but so perfect. His fingers leisurely skimmed farther yet up to her stocking-clad legs, untied her garters, sensually rolled down her silk stockings. He repeated his actions with her other foot and then stood, stuffing her garters and stockings into his pockets.

She stared at him wordlessly as she dug her toes into the sand. Emotions rose in her throat. How is it that she’d never felt this smoothness beneath the soles of her feet before? She whirled about, staring at the frothing sea. The moonlight glinted off the edge of the water, and the vast power before her beckoned. She ran toward the water. Georgiana gripped the folds of her dress and dragged it up to her knees and then stepped into the shallow tide. “Oh, it’s so cold!”

With a laugh, she sprinted from the waters, and he grabbed her around the waist and headed back toward the sea. “You wouldn’t dare, Rhys!”

His breath brushed her ear. “Wouldn’t I?”

“Infuriating man.”

He lowered her and slowly turned her to face him.

Her knees wobbled, and a trembling laugh escaped her. “I shouldn’t be here.”

“Why not?”

“This doesn’t feel like we’re conducting an affair.” It felt more like courtship, like they were getting to know each other for something more permanent, more lasting.

“I thought you had never had an affair before.”

“I haven’t!”

“Who says a part of it isn’t taking a long walk on the beach in the dark?”

She scowled up at him. “You’ve had an affair before?”

“No…you’re my first and my last.”

She scoffed, quite unladylike. “You cannot know if I will be your last.” She felt an odd arrow of envy at the idea of another woman taking walks along the seaside with him, missing him, taking him into her body and holding him close.

“I just know,” he said softly. “You’re different, in a good way. I’ve been reminded there is more to life than simply securing power and existing in a shadow of what could be.”

Pleasure scythed though her, making her chest tight until she could scarcely breathe. She couldn’t find a quick repartee and could only stare at him helplessly. “It’s best I return home.”

A wicked smile of knowledge slashed his strong, sensual mouth. “Afraid to be alone with me?” he taunted.

Without thought, without reason, she yearned to stay

with him for the entire night. “The opposite—I fear I do not want to leave.” She stepped to him and gripped the lapel of his jacket.

His eyes flared. “What—”

She fastened her lips to his. Her hands fisted in his hair to hold him closer. His sensual mouth was like a brand on hers. Rhys took control of their kiss, sinking to his knees in the sand and lowering himself to the ground, his hands on her hips, pulling her atop him. A moan of surprise slipped from her, and all thoughts to protest were burned away by the desire pouring through her like molten lava. He made love to her mouth with devastating expertise.

Georgiana was shattered by the awareness that she wanted him inside her, making love with her, as fiercely as she wanted air to breathe. His hands cupped her backside and pressed her closer. She felt the searing brand of his erection and his unyielding strength through the layers of their clothes. He kissed her slowly, with an irresistible passion.

Though they were hugged in the arms of darkness, anyone could come upon them and witness her acting with a careless wantonness. That realization gave her the strength to pull her lips from his and scramble off him to sprawl indecorously onto the sand.

A mortified giggle slipped from her, and she slapped her hand over her mouth. Rhys had already surged to his feet and held out his hand. She clasped it, and he hauled her up. “This reckless need you inspire in me has to stop,” she said a bit too breathlessly.

“Pity, I was quite enjoying your reckless heart.”

“I have no intention of starting a scandal anytime soon.”

“I suppose the rumors would not be kind if you were caught with me.”