She hesitated, blinking her bafflement. “Graham asked to court me?”

He is truly angry at the idea that we might like each other.

“Yes…and it seemed my dear Robert objected strongly, and they quarreled most fiercely.”

Callie’s vision swam, and she took a deep breath to right herself. “It is ridiculous he would object,” she said crossly.

“The scandal would be lurid—”

“The earl expects us to rest our happiness on the possibilities that people in Society might not approve,” Callie snapped in angry astonishment. “Mama! I like him so very much…I am falling hopelessly in love with him, I am certain of it. We are not brothers and sisters. It is simply outrageous to ask us to act against our heart desires. What about our happiness? What about my happiness, mama?”

“My dear you speak nonsense—”

“No...I am not.” Callie kissed her mama’s cheek and hurried away, then broke into a run.

She skidded on the snow-soaked grass when she saw a rumpled Graham heading toward her. He appeared as if he had ridden hard to reach Holliwell Manor, and he had a shadow of a beard.

How utterly rakish and wonderful he looked!

He stood before her, and his presence filled all the emptiness she had endured for the past week with such hope, she trembled. They stared at each other, his gaze skimming her features.

Callie could only stare, tongue-tied. Finally, she said, “Graham? Why…why are you here?”

“I was a fool.”

A harsh breath left her, but she made no reply.

“I have never wanted anyone or anything in the way I do you. But it is more than a physical want, Callie, I feel it here,” he said pressing a hand over his heart. “Most keenly. Most desperately.”

Her lips trembled and her eyes burned. “I am not with child.”

“I am not here because I hope you are with child.” He reached for her, tugged her tight into his arms, and with a groan, he slanted his mouth over hers as if the tether on his control had snapped. The kiss was one of violent tenderness, and it communicated such longing and regret, tears burned behind her eyes. Their mouths parted, and his thumb swiped tenderly over her lips.

“It has only been eight days, but I missed you so damn much!” Then he placed another kiss at the corner of her mouth.

“You left me,” she said against his mouth with a sob. “With such uncertainty and pain, a living entity in my heart.”

“I am so sorry,” he whispered.

“I am not likely to forgive you!”

But then she hugged him to her in a fierce embrace.

He stepped away from her and cupped her chin. “Forgive my momentarily lapse from common sense,” he said gruffly. “I rode home to Hampshire, resting my horse each night while I slept at inns. Once home, I knew I had to come back right away. I was a damn fool for leaving without expressing to you the hopes I had toward you. I am falling so deeply in love with you…I just might be there already.”

Her entire body flushed at the raw hunger, which leaped into his eyes.

My heart…my entire being feels enmeshed with yours. Callisto…will you allow me to court you…to marry you?”

Her mother gasped, and Callie glanced over her shoulder to see Mama’s eyes growing wide with astonishment and shock. Turni

ng back to Graham, she released a breath she hadn’t known she held then she hugged him again.

“What about the earl, he is adamantly opposed to the idea of us being together?”

“Do you need his approval?”

“No, but I do not want us to hurt the people who we love.”