He cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply, and tenderly. “How you complete me.” Then he swung her into his arms, loving the light way she giggled, the naughtiness sparking in her eyes.

He reached their bedroom and lowered her into the soft, welcoming depths, captured her mouth with his, and loved her with all the love and passion in his soul, endlessly.

Mischief & Mistletoe

Good intentions, a devilish viscount, and wicked misdeeds pave the road to matchmaking!

Miss Callisto Middleton desires to see her mother happy, and that means using the right amount of mischief to encourage two lovers to se

e what is right before them!

Unfortunately, Graham, Viscount Sherbrooke is just as determined to rescue his father from supposed scheming ladies who wants to marry into his wealthy family!

First it started with a kiss, dancing under the stars….and then more kisses! Even knowing the charming rake has no serious intentions Callie finds herself unable to stop thinking about him, or his kisses.

Heartbreak is certain if she follows her desires. If only he weren’t so irresistible . . .

Chapter 1

Two weeks before Christmas.

It was a scandalous and audacious plan, which could be fully attributed to last week’s dream, and Miss Callisto Middleton, known as Callie, was quite determined for it to bear fruit. Her mother deserved happiness and with an earl too! Impossible, some would say, but her papa had always impressed upon Callie that her tenacity in the face of adversity was her most admirable quality. And it was that quality, along with her winsome smile, golden-brown eyes, and good-natured charm he had believed would see gentlemen falling over themselves to offer for her at her debut years ago.

Of course, it hadn’t gone as dear Papa had planned. But her failed Seasons and unmarried state were not Callie’s current concern. No, that went to her mother, Viscountess Danby, the unhappiest woman in the countryside. And Callie knew exactly what her mama needed—a beau to call her own.

A hitch found its way in Callie’s heart, and she brushed it aside, having already accepted that it was altogether fine for her mother to remarry only five years after her father had gone on to his rewards. The directions of her current ambitions came from Papa, and whenever she dreamed of him, good tidings always followed.

Only two years ago, she’d dreamed of Papa directing her and Mama to Gloucestershire. Callie had insisted they visited the area where they’d found the most charming and affordable ten-room cottage to be their home. Then six months ago, another dream where she saw her papa floating on clouds at a particular section of the woody forest surrounding their homes. The next day Callie had visited and saved a child from drowning in the river.

Surely the dream of her papa standing from a cliff and smiling down at her mama who had been laughing in the arms of the Earl of Deerwood, their neighbor, was providence. Callie had realized her mother’s tendre for the man a few months now. Why, whenever Mama saw him, the viscountess would blush, and even upon a few occasions, had stammered in her replies. Her mama, blushing as if she were a debutante and not a mature woman of two and forty years!

But it was more than that…the earl made her mother laugh, reducing the shadows of grief and melancholy which had lived with her since losing her husband, and replaced it with something sweet, hopeful, and tender. She was still an exquisite woman, beautiful, and elegant. With her pale blonde hair and glistening green eyes, she looked many years younger than her actual age. Callie was convinced she deserved another chance at happiness in a loving marriage. Then the earl had invited them as a family to a house party in his home, and after much anxious indecision from their mother, they had arrived yesterday and had settled in nicely. There were at least thirty guests, including the earl’s son and his daughter.

“I must get them together,” she said, nibbling on a piece of lemon cake.

“Get who together?” Letitia demanded, popping a tart in her mouth and crunching.

Callie scowled at her sister, who, despite stuffing her face with confectionary, looked so pretty. “You should try to eat in a more ladylike manner. All of Mama’s efforts at teaching you proper etiquette are being wasted.”

Letty rolled her eyes and tossed her ebony curls. “We are alone, Callie.”


Letty waved her hand in a frustrated gesture. “There is no still about it! You are trying to distract me. Who must you get together?”

Callie glanced around the tastefully furnished private parlor, knowing very well they were alone, but a lady could not be too careful. It was also one of the few rooms not decorated with holly and mistletoe. “I aim to play matchmaker.”

Letty gasped, a glint of mischief appearing in her light brown eyes. “Good heavens! With someone here at Lord Deerwood’s house party? How fun that would be. Nothing amusing ever happens to us! Playing matchmaker is vastly more entertaining than strolling about the damp lawns and playing parlor games.”

“Yes, it is someone here,” Callie said, laughing at her sister’s exuberance.

“You are far braver than I credited you for,” Letty said with an approving nod. “Is it Vinnette you are helping along? She is so painfully enamored with Viscount Sherbrooke! I was heading to the library for a book late last night, and I saw her sneaking into his room, and she was only in her night rail!”

Callie gasped, lowering the fork with a piece of cake on it to her plate. “Why, I never! Are you certain, Letty?” Another of their neighbors, Vinnette, was the daughter of Squire Brampton, the second-largest landowner in the area. They had become wonderful friends in the two years Callie’s family had settled in the area.

An image of the shockingly handsome viscount floated in her thoughts—midnight black hair, magnificent blue eyes, sharp cheekbones, and an arrogant yet sensually curved mouth. Her stomach did a frightening little flip. The heat of a blush rose in her cheeks, and she fought to suppress her reaction. It had bothered Callie very much that she found Lord Deerwood’s son so appealing.

“Did…did the viscount allow her inside?” she queried tentatively, wondering at his intentions. The viscount did not live at his father’s estate, but his visits were frequent. Vinnette had not told Callie they had an attachment. Oh, Vinnette, what are you thinking?