Admiration also flared in the viscount's eyes before he'd turned away, a slight frown on his face. She'd wondered at it but quickly dismissed him, as her love commanded every part of her awareness.

Gabriel was devilishly handsome in a dark blue jacket, gray waistcoat, dark trousers, and pristine white shirt and cravat. His dark hair was perfectly groomed, and his beautiful dark blue eyes ensnared her. Then he winked, and she laughed softly.

He made to move toward Primrose, and his brother who'd been standing to his left snagged the cuff of his jacket. The move had been quick and discreet, but she saw it. Wariness rolled through her, accompanying a loathsome, odd feeling in her stomach. The countess had invited her to her table for Christmas dinner for the past few years, but Primrose had politely declined, choosing to travel to Durham instead. She’d sensed she would be out of place, and possibly a curiosity for those who would wonder why the governess had been invited to the table.

She accepted this year because she had been slowly feeling a sense of belonging, and she’d decided it was time to shed the prejudice that had long lingered in her heart when the countess and the earl had been the soul of kindness since her employment.

“How radiant you look, Primrose," the viscountess said with a broad smile, approaching with her son nestled peacefully in her arms.

“Lady Weatherton,” she greeted dipping into a small curtsy.

“Please, I believe it is time we put formality aside, please call me Verity.” Then her cheek dimpled in a charming smile.

Motherhood suited the viscountess, the glow in her eyes and on her cheeks created a piercing pang in Primrose’s heart for similar happiness. She shot a sidelong glance at Gabriel as he conversed with his brother, fervently hoping that soon they would marry and start their own family. She’d never felt this way before, had never dared want anything this desperately for fear it would be ripped from her. But how she wanted him, and the future he promised.

Whatever heated debate he had with his brother in the corner seemed to end. The tension within her unknotted though she couldn’t help thinking their quarrel was about her. She dearly hoped not. The earl and the countess strolled into the drawing room, commanding everyone’s attention. They were such a beautiful and charming couple, he tall and handsome with his dark blonde hair barely streaked with grey. And she petite with lustrous dark hair piled high in an intricate design, and her blue eyes, very much like her youngest son’s, glowing with warmth and happiness.

They mingled with everyone, partaking in a few glasses of wine and light chatter. Dinner was announced shortly after.

"It would afford me much pleasure if you allow me to escort you into dinner," Gabriel murmured, holding out his arm.

Primrose's breath caught, sharp and quick. She hadn’t seen his approach. In his eyes, she saw the need for her to trust him, and with a small smile, she accepted the proffered arm.

His mother looked briefly startled, then her firm, elegant jaw tightened visibly, before her face smoothed and she smiled. Then they proceeded into the dining room which had been exquisitely arranged. The large dining table was decorated with the finest white linen, evergreens, and flowers. Everyone took their place, and several courses were served, starting with cream of parsnip soup, followed by roasted duck with cranberry sauce, standing rib of beef with Yorkshire pudding, golden stuffed turkey, lamb served with an onion sauce, baked trout, and venison in a raised pie.

Primrose felt a part of the intimate gathering and wished it would last forever. Wine and champagne flowed freely, and the laughter was joyful and surprisingly raucous. Gabriel chatted and regaled everyone with several tales, and he looked so happy and handsome her heart soared. A few times he sent her a discreet half smile, but she hadn’t the courage to return it with so many people looking on.

After the meal, several members returned to the larger drawing room, where gifts were excitedly exchanged. Others dispersed into the smaller sitting room to play parlor games, and a few gentlemen retired to the library for a glass of port, and brandy.

When Primrose made to join the parlor games, Gabriel caught her eye and lifted his chin towards his family seated on the sofa near the roaring fire, exchanging gifts. Nervousness bloomed through her. The leading family was not alone, as a few cousins lingered by the pianoforte. She hoped now was not the time he would make the announcement, and she discreetly shook her head. He frowned, and not meeting his gaze she made her way over to one of the crème sofas close to the large evergreen tree.

Primrose laughed delightedly when everyone handed her small packages of various sweets. There was much good-natured teasing, and they seemed surprised when she too gave them gifts—delicately embroidered handkerchiefs for the earl and the viscount, and lavender sachets, ribbon lace, nightcaps, and bookmarks for Verity, the countess, and Annabelle.

Verity had encouraged her to place her gifts under the tree, and Primrose went and got the small brown package she’d gotten weeks ago for Gabriel. She handed it to him.

“Oh Miss Markham got Gabriel a gift as well,” Annabelle cried, clapping her hands. “How fortunate you made it home to receive it,” she said with a charming smile, blue eyes very much like her brother’s glittering with happiness.

Primrose flushed as all attention turned to her. Gabriel seemed quite unruffled by it all and lowered himself onto a sofa and unwrapped his gift. George made his way over, unabashedly peering over his brother’s shoulder.

“What is it?” Annabelle cried.

“A filigreed fountain pen and an inkwell,” Gabriel murmured softly. His eyes shone with rich pleasure and love when he stared at her.

“A pen,” the countess said with mild surprise. “An odd gift to be certain. The library has numerous quills and ink. But I suppose it is what Miss Markham can afford.”

"Miss Markham gifted me these because she knows of my dream to become a writer. Thank you, I will put them to excellent use."

The family threw a surprised glance at each other, and Primrose had the uncomfortable awareness that he'd not shared his ambitions with his family before now.

He too handed her a gift, and she unwrapped it with trembling fingers. The family appeared too interested to Primrose's mind. Parting the delicate tissue, she gasped softly at the most exquisite pair of gloves she'd ever seen. Verity shot a quick glance at George, before smiling at them. Primrose’s heart started to race when she saw that there was more. Surely it was too much, and his family would think it odd. But of course, he planned to reveal their tendre, and this was the first step of his declaration.

Next, she lifted a most elegant light blue with swirls of green Kashmir shawl. A flush of pleasure went through Primrose. The countess gasped.

“Thank you,” she said, smiling at him. “I shall treasure them.”

He turned to his family who peered at them with undisguised interest.

Nerves erupted in her stomach as Gabriel asked his mother, father, George, and Verity for an audience in the smaller sitting room. They threw him puzzled frowns when he escorted her with him behind their small procession. They were, however, too polite to protest her involvement if they were of a mind to. They withdrew from the drawing room and the raucous fun and made their way down to the hall.