Those were a few of Darcy’s instructions she remembered with clarity for they were some of the hardest to adhere to once Sebastian took her in his arms. She turned around to see her brother and his countess respectably composed. He made his way over to her and hugged her.

“It is good to see you, Fanny, I trust you will stay with us for dinner?”

Her noncommittal response was muffled against his chest, and she returned his embrace fiercely. “Is mother back from Bath?”

“She’s opened the house at Camden Place and intends to stay for the entire season.”

“I’ve been married six weeks and mamma is still prostrate with disappointment? It isn’t likely to change,” she said with amused exasperation.

"You know mother. She will come around when she is of a mind to recall that Viscount Shaw is three times wealthier than the marquess."

Fanny scowled at her brother who ignored it and bestowed a tender smile toward Darcy then departed. Fanny made her way over to the sofa, sat, and settled comfortably against the cushions. Darcy pulled the bell for tea and cakes. She peered at Fanny, an unusual glow in her eyes. It was perhaps one of happiness, and Fanny was heartened to see it.

“I see things with Colin have improved?” Fanny probed delicately.

Her friend blushed. “I daresay it has. I packed my trunks and was about to depart and he begged me to stay. Oh Fanny, it has been glorious since,” she gasped, clutching her rosy cheeks.

Fanny grinned. “I am happy for you. When you did not reply to my note yesterday I dreaded the worst, that you were so unhappy you were abed.”

“Nothing of the sorts, we...I...was just busy.” She bushed so prettily, she gave Fanny an inkling just what activity had kept her friend busy.

A maid entered with a tea trolley, and they waited until she arranged the tray on the small satinwood table, then departed. Darcy poured the teas and handed Fanny a cup.

“Are you content with the viscount?” Darcy asked skeptically as if such a thing was improbable.

Fanny laughed, and her friend's eyes widened. "Oh yes, I am. I am exploring and learning and loving. I am happy." And the knowledge settled deep inside. If only she would be brave enough to explore the wild desires thrumming inside of her, and to strip away the restraint she could feel in her husband's touch when he loved her. “Dare I ask why you are glowing?”

“Oh, Fanny, I cannot tell you!”

They stared at each other, and then laughed.

“Are you truly happy, Darcy? Has Colin stopped...whatever he was doing?”

Darcy sipped her tea as if gathering her thoughts. “You are married now so I will speak frankly. I was going to leave him, and I cared not one whit about scandal.”

Fanny straightened from her casual repose. “Leave my brother?”

“Yes. He had a mistress, and he visited her once a week even though he came to my bed every night,” Darcy said hoarsely, a flash of pain blanketed her face before she gathered her composure.

Anger and disgust surged through Fanny. “Why would Colin dishonor you and the vows made before God. I know he loves you.”

Darcy blushed.

“What is it?”

“It is not fit for your ears,” Darcy said primly, even though her hazel eyes danced with amusement.

“Don’t tell me this is another secret that must only be known by men of our world, how utterly silly and outrageous.”

Darcy sighed and gave a little apologetic smile. “There are things men need that a lady cannot do. Collin did not want to dishonor me, and he felt honor bound not to disgust my sensibilities.”

Fanny could only stare at her. “What utter rubbish!”

Darcy grimaced. "My mother told me gentlemen would always have their mistresses and it is the way of the word, but I believed Colin was beyond such temptations. He loves me, I love him and that should have been enough. I gave him an ear full. To both our amazement I slapped his face. I was so distraught."

“But you’ve forgiven him?”

"We've reached a compromise," she said.