Fanny smiled at his hopeful look. "You remind me of the cocker spaniel I had as a child. He was always so hopeful I would feed him treats and he softened me up with a similar look!”


She laughed. “You my lord are outrageous.”

“But you like it.”

“I love everything about you,” she said softly and then stilled at what she implied.

He searched her eyes. “Fanny?”

Her heart pounded, and she stared at him helplessly. I love you. She could not say the words. When did it happen? And how could she be so certain? It was just ridiculous to perceive the beautiful way he made her feel, the pleasure that would swarm through her from a simple kiss was love. They'd only been married a little over a month.

“Fanny, I’ve lov—”

She kissed him passionately and with a furious need burning inside her to stop the words she feared he might say. It was impossible to describe the feelings cascading through her at the realization he could have a tendre for her as well. Only a few could ever hope their marriages would have more than warm affection to sustain its lifetime. Their tongues tangled, and the sweetest of heat burned through her body for him. Is it joy or trepidation I feel? Speaking their growing sentiments aloud would make it seem so much more real, and if it was real, then it could be snatched away. She needed longer to savor the idea of love before she could own to the feelings he aroused in her heart.

She pulled away. He grinned, and her stomach flipped. Why was he so appealing?

He brushed his fingertips along the curve of her throat. “I lov—”

Again, she silenced him with a kiss, and this repeated whenever they broke apart, and he tried to say the words until they dissolved into fits of laughter.

"Oh, I see," he murmured, his lips wet with her kisses, his arousal a hard brand beneath her buttocks, his eyes burning powerful with emotions that made her insides hot and achy. "I see, indeed my Viscountess."

She could barely breathe, let alone speak. Fanny blushed, what did he believe he perceived? That she was suddenly and inexplicably afraid to want his love and have it ripped from her, like all her previous attempts? That the revelations flowering through her were more intense and real than anything she had ever felt? She was falling in love with this man. With him, Fanny felt comfortable, desired, cherished. Pushing away from him, she lurched to her feet, feeling the weight of his stare as she rushed from the room as if the devil was on her heels.

Chapter 11

The next day, Fanny descended the carriage with the aid of the footman at her former home in Mayfair. She hoped Darcy was at home and had not taken herself off to the country. The letters Fanny had sent around yesterday had received no reply from her friend and she was concerned. She decided to extend the invitation to dinner in person and find out if her friend was well.

She marched up the small steps, and the door opened before she could knock.

“Jeffers,” she said warmly greeting her former butler.

His weathered faced creased into a smile and be bowed. “Lady Shaw, how wonderful to see you again if I may say so.”

“Oh, you may,” she said with a laugh, handing him her light coat, and removing her bonnet. “Is Lady Banberry home?”

“Her ladyship is in the drawing room. She'd asked not to be disturbed earlier. If you wait in the smaller parlor, I will announce—”

"There's no need. I will knock and announce myself." With that, Fanny made her way down the hallway and knocked on the drawing room door once and then opened it. "Oh Darcy, I've missed—"

Fanny gaped at the sight of Darcy and Colin locked in a passionate embrace. They were only kissing, but Darcy had always been such a stickler for propriety the scene was shocking. Fanny spun around when her brother hauled his wife even closer, and with a groan cupped her buttocks.

She closed the door, ensuring it slammed. A gasp sounded and then a muttered curse.

“Fanny?” came Darcy’s startled cry.

“I did not mean to intrude on your privacy,” she said blushing. “I never thought you would be…kissing.” In daylight, and in such an intimate fashion. Certainly not after the speech Darcy had given Fanny on how a lady should conduct herself with private matters. She had been happy for her friend's guidance, even though lately she had been yearning to touch and kiss Sebastian on more than his lips.

A lady must never be wanton in her desires.

You’ll repulse your husband if you show yourself to be too eager for the marriage bed.

You must l

ie silent and not be vocal in your responses. It will be perceived as vulgar and unladylike.