Her husband had the oddest notions. “You would like to show me how to defend myself?”


Fanny felt bemused. “I will not be taking lessons with you,” she said primly, hurrying to replace the clothes onto the armchair of the sofa.

Provoking amusement lit in his eyes. "Then you will not be revisiting that side of town wife. I have the time for a lesson now if you are free."


He arched a brow toward the breeches and shirt. With a huff, she grabbed them up, thoroughly scandalized. His amusement deepened as she tossed him a glare.

“I do hope you realize how outrageous this all is.”

“Is that the reason you are fairly bouncing with excitement?”

She grinned for she was genuinely delighted. “I shall be back shortly.”

“You could dress here,” he murmured. “I will happily play your maid.”

A shock of desire shivered deliciously through her body at that improper suggestion. They stared

at each other, and the dare in his gaze robbed her of breath.

“Undress for me, Fanny.”

Her husband circled her as if she were prey. His warmth pressed into her back, and she felt the proof of his arousal. “Is it to be a lesson in boxing or one of ravishment?”

His laughter was soft and hot against her neck. “There will come a day my sweet where I’ll have you splayed, naked on that sofa there and I will feast on you.”

Fanny whirled around, clutching the clothes to her chest. Sebastian's eyes were watchful and curious, and she got the sense he had been testing her. She spluttered, unable to credit acting in the lascivious manner he suggested. Unable to proffer a reply, she hurried from the room, her face flushed and her heart racing, and her husband staring at her with amusement and something far more troubling that she was unable to identify.

With the aid of her lady’s maid, she changed into the scandalous garments and returned to his domain. Almost an hour later, Fanny sprawled indecorously atop the mat in the room, utterly exhausted, and uncertain if she wanted to still make an afternoon call on Darcy whom she hadn't seen since her marriage. They had corresponded through letters, and Fanny had thought it quite odd, that she hadn't seen Darcy and Colin at the few balls Fanny had attended with Sebastian.

“I wanted to have a small dinner party next week,” she said winded, still working to settle her breathing. The rudimentary motions of thrust and skip away he'd shown her had seemed so simple until one repeated the motion over and over with a husband who seemed more machine than man. “Then I am thinking to host a ball toward the end of the season.”

Her husband, the dratted man, lay beside her, his breathing unruffled. “Whatever you wish, Fanny.”

"I would like to invite Josephine, Selina, Percy, and Richard and Theodore to dinner and the ball."

Sebastian turned his head on the mat, and their gaze collided. “You know they aren’t normally invited to society events.”

“I know,” she murmured. “I enjoy their company immensely, and they aren’t disreputable in the least. If you approve, I would love to extend the invitation.”

His lips curved. “I’m certain they will be thrilled, but society will be offended.”

“I never knew you set stock with other people’s opinions.”

“I don’t.”

“Then I daresay as your Viscountess I should have your mettle,” she teased. It had startled Fanny that the few balls they'd attended people had seemed welcoming. Her genuine friends hadn't cared that several scandal sheets branded her the double jilt, and those who had appeared inclined to frown upon it had forgiven the incidents relatively quickly. She’d soon realized it was her husband’s wealth they coveted after the several hints that were discreetly delivered to her.

He chuckled, and she heard the warm approval in it. "Then it is settled," Sebastian said. "Invite whomever you please to our table and house. And I must also tell you, wife. You are an apt pupil, very quick and graceful.”

Warmth burst inside her chest, and she grinned, suddenly glad she had indulged his odd notions. Acting with playful instincts, she shifted and rolled atop of him, settling her bottom atop his lower stomach. Sebastian sucked in a harsh breath, his muscles clenching beneath her, and Fanny grinned. How she loved surprising him.

“I am of a mind to ravish you,” she murmured, biting gently on his chin.

"Ah, my sweet, such wicked words are music to my ears."