Fanny smiled. “And will your businesses not suffer?”

He grunted softly. “I am hiring a few more stewards and managers.”

She twisted to face him and peered up into his face. “To what purpose did you hire them?”

“So that I can visit my office only twice per week. I want to spend more time with you wife.”

Impulsively she hugged him, and he chuckled. Drawing back, she lifted her fingers and traced the curve of his lips. He was smiling, and suddenly she felt silly that she insisted on darkness when they made love.

“And you will retire with me to Derbyshire?”

“At least for a week or so, I’ll be there with you. I am quite looking forward racing you.”

“How surprised you will be when I trounce you,” she murmured sleepily, snuggling into his arms, quite glad she had trusted in her instincts to visit his office earlier.

Another few weeks passed, and Fanny's admiration and affections for her husband grew. In truth, she was quite certain she was falling in love with the man. A notion which would have frightened her a few weeks previously for she did not like heartache or her expectations to be disappointed. But there was nothing more permanent than marriage, and she had given herself leave to bask in the glorious delight she felt in being with her husband daily. Though Sebastian did not like it, she visited him at his office, of course with no less than two footmen accompanying her, and had lunch with him several times.

“Is that all, your ladyship?” Mrs. Campbell asked, and Fanny got the sense the housekeeper had requested an answer a few times.

She grinned, scandalized with how often she spent thinking of her husband. With a smile, she handed the housekeeper the changes she had made to the menu for next week and the list of items she required for a dinner party she was planning next Friday evening.

“Yes, it is, thank you, Mrs. Campbell.”

She smiled and dipped into a quick curtsy before bustling away.

Fanny then made her way to the room her husband used as a personal exercise room. The door was slightly ajar, and she pushed it open wider, her breath hitching at her husband's state of undress. She didn't usually venture into his domain, but he had requested her presence several minutes ago. Unable to help herself she greedily ran her gaze over the graceful but powerful lines of his body. Muscles corded Sebastian’s shoulders and back, and they twisted with each dip and roll of his shoulders. He was tall, lean, and so handsome, a dart of heat arrowed through her. Her breath quickened, and a rush of pleasure filled her heart by merely looking at him. Was this why he craved to see her naked?

She stepped into the room and closed the door.

He faltered and grabbed a towel from the small sofa to his left and raked it across his skin. His chest was an expanse of beautiful golden skin, chiseled with muscle. How desperately she wanted to touch. As if he read her mind he grinned, carnal invitation firing in his eyes. She scowled, for her husband would probably attempt to seduce her as he tried yesterday in his library before dinner. Fanny feared she wasn’t adventurous enough to indulge in those kinds of debauchery, and it fretted her at times. Sebastian seemed so virile and insatiable, making love with her often. While he came to her bed every night, she could feel the tempered restraint in his touch, and the battle he waged with himself. Last night, he had bit out a curse of frustration and had pulled from her, parted the curtains, and lit a taper casting light into his chamber.

He hadn't wanted to make love in the dark anymore, and Fanny had hardly known what to do with herself. It had been too unexpected, and she had been unprepared. Her husband had stared at her for several moments, then closed his eyes, and apologized for frightening her. She hadn't been frightened really, merely startled. When he had made to out the candle, she had gripped his hand and tugged him down to her. Fanny hadn't the courage to remove her nightgown, but they had made love with that single light. She had been able to see the flash of raw hunger in his face, the piercing need in his eyes, the sensual slant of his lips as he had ridden her longer and a bit harder than she had experienced before. How wonderful it had been. Except he had seemed so tense afterward as if he waited for her recrimination. They had remained silent until she had fallen into deep slumber.

“You asked to see me, Sebastian?”

"I did," he said, walking over to cup her cheek and press a kiss to her lips. "I missed you." Another kiss, and with a pleased sigh, she parted her lips for a more intimate embrace.

“And also, because we must speak about this need you have to visit me in the office. I do not like it.”

Fanny stepped back with a frown. “I thought you enjoyed my help immensely?”

“I do, but yesterday’s incident has left me unsettled, wife.”

“Oh, Sebastian. I only had a few coins in my reticule, and the boy did return it after he learned that he robbed your wife.”

Her husband scowled, seemingly unmoved by her argument. For the last several days she had been assisting him at his office on Whapping Street. She would take lunch, and after dining, she assisted him by sorting through the records of the employees, he would have to terminate in the coming weeks and write a suggestion on a severance package, and artfully worded recommendation letters.

The first time she had suggested a severance payment of two hundred pounds for a man who had worked in his factory for ten years. The lawyer in the room had spluttered his outrage and suggested as a woman she had no notion of business matters for the two hundred pounds was far too much when they had to fire hundreds of workers. She had tartly responded as a woman she had the heart and compassion he lacked and had offered the bulk of her inheritance to Sebastian’s astonishment. She had almost choked when Sebastian revealed the magnitude of his wealth and that he could afford to pay everyone he would have to let go whatever she thought they deserved for their years of service. Her husband had fired the lawyer immediately to her distress, but she had convinced Sebastian to give the young lawyer another chance. They had worked together splendidly since then, and her generous severance payments were not frowned at. She had believed her husband enjoyed her presence and her assistance.

Sebastian prowled over to the sofa and picked up a few articles of clothing. He held them out, and beyond curious, she made her way over and collected them.

“What are these?”

He shot her a devilish smile, his eyes twinkling. “Breeches and a shirt. These are what you will wear when I teach you how to box.”

“I beg your pardon?”

His head dipped, and he kissed the bridge of her nose. "You heard me, my sweet. You and I will be dancing on this mat at least twice a week. That way I will rest better knowing if you are ever accosted you can defend yourself."