“Are you not to answer?”

He lowered his hands from her cheek, and she was bereft of warmth. He moved away from the windows and sat on the edge of his desk, his legs splayed with insolent grace. “Your forthrightness surprised me.”

She made her way to stand before him, acutely conscious of the hem of her dress brushing his boot. “And that is not an answer.”

His lips smiled, but his eyes remained watchful and a bit chilled. “I can enjoy your company without bedding you, wife.”

“How odd. Because we’ve only had dinner a few times in fourteen days, and we’ve made no social rounds together.”

“It seems I may have been doing you a disservice, my lady.”

“So, you have been avoiding my bed??


His head dipped once in a brief nod.

She drew a hitching breath. “Why?” she demanded bluntly.

“I had the notion exercising marital obligations more than once a month would be a distressing strain on your nerves.” His tone held a bit of self-mockery and some other indefinable emotion.

Still, she scowled in affront. “I am not a delicate ninny. And I would like to believe the way you made me feel extended to more than marital obligations, my lord,” she whispered.

“Are you saying, wife, you feel a need for me to be in your bed?”

Fanny blushed but refused to look away from his penetrating stare. “Even if we...we do not share intimacy, it was beyond lovely to sleep in your arms,” she said wistfully, recalling how empty, and cold, and lonely the silence of her bedchamber had been for the past several nights.

“Then it would be my pleasure to be in your bed, every night, Fanny.” There was a carnal threat in his voice that spoke to wicked deeds and not just sleeping. The hot memory of his lips licking her womanly flesh cut through her, and it took an enormous will to battle her mortification.

She failed abysmally from the amusement that lit in his eyes.

“How breathtakingly lovely, and sweet you appear.”

Her pulse jumped in her throat when he reached for her. Fanny willingly went into his arms, to stand between his open thighs, lifting her gaze to his. She swallowed when he lightly brushed his mouth across hers, slowly savoring.

“You need to go,” he said hoarsely as if he were in pain.

Not yet. “Why? I am enjoying your kisses,” she said shyly.

His breath exited in an audible rush. “The very taste of you is shattering every discipline I’ve ever used to govern my passions. I am tempted to splay you on my desk and make love to you.”

“But it is daytime.”

A huff of sound, which seemed suspiciously like laughter came from him.

A flush of desire swept along his cheekbones. “We can have carnal relations at any time.”

The soft words burned into her heating her body with chaotic hunger. It was as he placed a fingertip under her chin and lifted her gaze to his, Fanny realized she had been staring at his chest. They stared at each other silently, a question in his gaze, one she feared she understood but hardly knew how to respond.

Brazenly she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his back very tightly. It was all the invitation he needed to ravish her lips with deep kisses. Fanny parted her lips, moaning at the hot stroke of his tongue, and the warmth that filled her veins. How quickly he spun her senses and had hunger clawing to burst free. If she were still the same fanciful creature she had been several weeks ago, she would have fallen in love with her husband right then. It’s just passion. Somehow, he shifted them, and now she was the one sitting on his desk, her legs scandalously splayed, her husband between them.

Good heavens!

Sebastian slowly stroked upward to her hip. She felt exposed and terribly vulnerable but wanted more of his embrace. “How wickedly wanton you must think me,” she moaned breathlessly.

“I find you delightful, Fanny.”

Then another soft kiss feathered over her lips. And she sighed, loving his gentleness. His wicked fingers continue their path, the pad of his thumb was rough and warm; evoking such desperate need in her blood, she shivered.