The carriage rumbled to a halt, and a quick peek through curtains revealed they were at 57 Berkeley Square. The door was opened, and she allowed her husband who had elected to ride beside the carriage to assist her down.

“I trust your journey was pleasant?”

How polite he was. “It was. I do think it could have been better if you had been in the carriage.” The soft admonishment in her words was inescapable.

His mouth curved ever so slightly. “I believe I was granting you the privacy of your thoughts.”

She placed her hand on his and walked with him up the few cobbled steps. Her new home was grand and one of the more modern townhouses built. The house had a stone façade and climbed four stories above the lower ground floor. It faced onto Berkeley Square Gardens and had a pretty view from the front windows of a beautiful Grecian style statue of a half-draped lady carrying a large water vase. When they arrived at the door, Fanny was surprised to see Sebastian fishing for keys to open the door.

Where was the butler?

He allowed her to precede him inside a most elegant entrance hall. Footsteps echoed, and a sturdy woman hurried toward them, her face wreathed in smiles.

“Mr. Rutledge, sir I was not expecting you back so soon.”

Why did she call their lord mister? The lack of proper address was shocking.

Fanny tugged off her bonnet, and Sebastian assisted her from her coat.

“Mrs. Campbell, may I present my wife, Mrs. Fanny Rutledge. Fanny Mrs. Campbell is my housekeeper.”

Fanny smiled, and Mrs. Campbell dipped into a surprisingly graceful curtsy.

"It's a right pleasure to meet you, milady. I've baked a fruitcake for the occasion and prepared all your favorite dishes, Mr. Rutledge."

Sebastian politely declined, and Mrs. Campbell hurried away, muttering about sending tea to the drawing room. Fanny peeked at him from beneath her lashes. He was looking down the hallway, a frown splitting his brows. They stood there for several seconds, not speaking or moving.

She gave him a questioning glance. "Is all well, Sebastian?" An unusual warmth unfurled through her at the intimate use of his name.

He glanced down, and it was then she noticed how vivid and beautiful the shards of blue in the unfathomable silver of his eyes were. During their brief ceremony, she had made a concentrated effort to stare at his nose. How silly she had been.

“I find I am confounded about what to do with you.”

Her lips parted on an inelegant gasp. “I beg your pardon?”

“I’ve never had a wife before.” His voice held a gently mocking note. At himself?

Fanny was flustered. She glanced at the hallways clock, noting it was barely one in the afternoon. Then she huffed a breath. “Well, I’ve never had a husband before.” When her world had been scandal free, at this time, she would be walking the grounds of their country manor, calling on neighbors or attending a picnic with friends.

Their gazes collided, and the humor in his pulled a light laugh from her. “We are absurd,” she gasped.

“That we are,” he murmured.

A strange thrill of sensation tore through her. He was so large, masculine and beautiful.

“Perhaps you will allow me to give you a tour of your new home?”

Fanny smiled, unable to explain the way her heart started to pound. Unable to prevent herself, she tugged her gloves off and pinched her inner wrist.

A devastatingly slow and sensual smile slanted his lips. “I’m afraid it is real. We are married.”

She felt an overwhelming pull between them, and her thoughts invariably turned to their wedding night. She didn’t need to glance down at her palm to know her entire body had flushed scarlet.

There was a flicker of challenge in his eyes. “I must know the thought that provoked you to blush so becomingly.”

“No, a lady’s thoughts are her own, and it is not gentlemanly of you to ask after them,” she said primly.

On odd expression marred his face to vanish quickly.