She stared at him in ill-concealed disbelief. “You expect me to believe this? You have only been a shadow in my life since the last time you made an offer, that was eight years ago Elliot, only a few months after you became a duke. And I know why you stayed away, it was because your offer for marriage had been out of pity for my circumstances.”

The soft rhythm of his breathing fractured. “Emma, each time I visited, no matter how briefly was about seeing you, always you. Every single visit was about being near to you, seeing your smile and laughter, being a part of your happiness, sharing your doubts and fears. Last night…last night you destroyed my world and restraints from simply pressing your lips to mine. Last night inspired me to hope for a forever with you, because you turned to me, Emma.”

She held up ineffectual hands, hoping to stem the tide of words that she knew had the power to break her, but he continued, “I stayed away because you were convinced you were broken, that I could not manage your pain and hopes, that I did not love you enough to see you. You’ve shown me you crave me as much as I yearn for you.”

Her breath hitched. Please stop talking, her heart screamed. His words were a massive hammer to her resistance. “I have always wanted you, Elliot, you know that. Last night was wonderful for me, and I will cherish the memory forever. But I only did it because I thought it would remain my secret. I simply wanted a night for me, to indulge in desires I have long held, and I chose to have that experience with someone I knew and trusted. I never realized you knew.”

“So, you only wanted to use me?”

“Use you?” She searched his face wildly. Emma hoped he did not believe her capable of treating him so callously. Anger burned through her. He had easily succumbed to her charms and had taken her more thoroughly than she had used him. “Who was taking advantage of whom, Elliot? Within less than half an hour I was in your bed. If Anthony had not gabbed to you…you would not even know that it was me.”

“Is that what you believe of me? That I easily take women I do not know to my bed? I recognized you the moment you stepped into the ballroom, Princess.”

The breath rushed from her lungs, and with sickening clarity, Emma knew he had known. He had referred to her more than once as princess….in that same mocking tone he had always used. She had not been overly paranoid this morning when the awareness had settled in her heart.

“You knew?” She could not wrap her thoughts around his revelation. My goodness, but it made sense. Her conquest had been easy. The tenderness she felt from him at times, the gentle way he had cleaned her after. Even when he had ridden her hard, testing her limits, he had seemed so wonderfully sweet. He had been gentle, caring, soothing, and her heart had tripped in her chest in wonder, pain, and jealousy. Thinking he was this way with all his lovers. “Oh God.” She suppressed the joy that tried to swarm her.

His expression became guarded. “Why are you so afraid?”

He made no move toward her as if he knew she was on the verge of panicking and running. But she could see the control in which he encased himself. Her heart thumped a frantic tattoo against her breastbone. She lowered herself into the sofa, refusing to meet his gaze. “I am not afraid.”

“You are. The woman behind the mask was not a façade. She was not timid or repressed. She was bold and delightfully wicked. She took what she wanted. That woman was you, Emma. You took me. And you are not allowed to hide and retreat to the tidy and risk-free life your parents have placed you in.”

Shock roared through her, making her light-headed. Her lashes dipped. She wanted him to see her, but not too deep. “What do you want from me, Elliot?” She splayed her hands wide. “We both have wanted each other for years…and now that we have tasted of each other, we can move on with our lives.”

“Wrong,” he grounded out with enough force to have her surging to her feet once more. “You think after you have come to me…after you have shown me that you want me as much as I need you, I would ever allow you to leave the possibility of us?”

Her eyes widened. Allow? Fire sparking in her veins, she stalked toward him and jabbed him in the chest. The soft smile on his lips only infuriated her further. “Allow? I am tired of people telling me what I can and cannot do. I have the power to make my choice. No one will allow me anything!”

He advanced, backing her up until she was flush against the arm of the sofa. “Then why do you allow your parents to cage you from living, why are you running away from England?” he asked with a quiet intensity. “Why do you allow your fears to control your future?”

Her heart executed a sick flip of alarm. He saw too deep inside of her. She craned her neck to look at him. How could she mak

e him understand? He was her one night of passion. Her stolen moment. He was this beautiful fire she’d stepped too close to, and she was miraculously alive, and not singed to death. He was too overwhelming for her to be with for any period of time. He was a duke, and he would be expected to provide an heir, he would require a wife who was perfect and flawless to host his political parties, balls, and dinners. Elliot had always been so adventurous. Once they had ridden across the lanes, fenced, swam together. Everything had changed, and she was so limited now. Her life was now safe and predictable, and she liked it being that way. Elliot was dangerous and uncertain…now an exotic creature she could never hope to hold onto for any length of time. “I am not running.”

His narrowed gaze skimmed over her with renewed intensity. “Is that so?”

Her heart thudded, but she pressed on. “Yes. I am different now. A great night for me is curling by the fire and reading a book. I find joy in walking through the park with my sketchpad and capturing the beauty of life. I love riding gently in the country. I do not love the parties, and the glamorous life of the ton.”

He frowned, eyes searching her face. He cupped her face. His shoulder relaxed, and he closed his eyes with a sigh. “Emma?”


“Marry me.”

Her entire body trembled.

He dipped his head and leaned in close, so their lips almost touched, their nose brushing. “Let me prove you are the only woman I want. Have ever needed. Marry me, my darling.”

The need to scream ‘yes’ welled inside her. “I…I may never be able to have a child. The doctors said—”

“I do not mean to dismiss your fears or pain, but the doctors also said you would never walk again. If we are not so blessed, we will comfort each other, but it is you I want, Emma, you.”

“But your dukedom—”

His thumb dragged roughly over her bottom lip. She caught it between her teeth and bit lightly. Not quite believing her own shameless intentions, she tried to step back. He did not allow her. He tugged her to him, and she willingly went.

“I did not expect this, Elliot. I never imagined—”