“Then act like his friend. Elliot has honor.”

Anthony’s broad shoulders relaxed, barely. “Then why the hell are you crying? Why do you look so…wrecked?”

He hurried to her side, took her hand and assisted her down the final steps. “Emma?”

She gave him a withering look. “You do not get to ask me that after what you implied about Elliot,” she said, her voice breaking as more tears gushed forth.

Anthony had the grace to look discomfited. He raked his hand through his hair and sighed. “I’m sorry. I lost my head for a few seconds when I saw you. Your lips were swollen. And your eyes, Emma…they were…” he grimaced. “I have never seen you dressed in such a fashion. You shocked me.”

She nodded. “Apology accepted.”

They made their way down the hallway, and she noted her brother looking around to ensure they were alone.

“Why are you crying?”

He was so tenacious. She couldn’t prevent the blush that heated her entire body and met his eyes. “Because I am in love with him, and I know nothing will come of feeling the way I do.” She knew these were not things one admitted to your brother, but they had always been close, and he was prying. And she was no longer a child.

He predictably stiffened. “Damn it, Emma. We will talk about this at home. But you seem to have mistaken the matter.”

“There is nothing to talk about, Anthony. I chose to attend this masquerade ball for my own purposes, I was not coerced or ruthlessly seduced by some libertine as you no doubt imagine. I suspect you’ve always known how I feel about Elliot, so please don’t make a fuss out of me being here. You are the one who is mistaken in the matter.”

“He will marry you,” he said softly.

She closed her eyes, trying to breathe evenly. “No, he will not.”

“I will make him. I do not care if he is the goddamned duke of Hartford and that he is reputed—”

“I’ll not have him,” she whispered furiously. She knew she could not have him. Any pity or remonstrances from Elliot would wound her soul. “This was not some elaborate plan to compromise Elliot into marriage, and you will not make it be about that. I’ll be leaving soon, and I’ll not be forced to stay.”

Her brother said something rather obscene and unflattering under his breath. Her coat was collected, and she deftly slipped it on with his help. “You were never supposed to discover I had been here. No one else knows, and we will keep it that way.”

At his silence she gripped his hand, rushing to speak as the butler opened the door and they spilled out into the chilling dawn. “Elliot doesn’t even know it’s me.” She pointed to her painted face that had not even washed away with how she’d sweated.

“What you have done is beyond disastrous, Emma.”

She sighed. “You are just trying to scare me when there is no need.”

Her carriage was waiting as expected and they moved toward it. Emma walked at a brisk pace, conscious of the pain in her leg, grateful the place seemed so isolated.

Anthony expelled a frustrated breath, keeping pace beside her. “There will be dire consequences, and it is my duty and honor to protect you,” he said firmly with an admirable show of brotherly concern.

“There is nothing to protect me from. I was not taken advantage of. And most importantly, His Grace has no notion…no notion it was me in his chambers.”

He didn’t seem to appreciate the reminder that she had been so wildly improper from the snarl that curled his lips.

Before he could snap, she hurried on, “And it is my wish for my identity to be hidden from the duke, and I will have your loyalty, Anthony,” she insisted once again, pointing to the painted mask.

He grunted and gave her a look of incredulous disbelief. “He knew it was you, Emma. Elliot knew it was you.”

Apprehension jolted through her. “No, he did not. Elliot hasn’t called upon me in a very long time. He was only a fleeting presence at the manor last week. The only reason you recognized me was that you saw me yesterday and because I had a slight episode. Please leave it be, Anthony. Promise me you won’t say anything. I don’t want anyone involved in my private affairs least of all you.” She smiled to take the sting out of her words.

Anthony held her gaze. “This was only one night?”

“Yes, I promise.”

They reached the carriage, and he assisted her in. He entered and sat opposite her, leaning against the squab. His gaze raked her figure several times, and the shock that had flared in his blue depths each time made her blush.

“At least you had the presence of mind to disguise yourself and the carriage.”