His throat worked. “But if you love me still, and can find it in your heart to forgive me for being a damn fool, turn right, walk out to the terrace outside and follow the lantern lit pathway.”

A lantern lit pathway? “What is out there?”

“Our future,” he said hoarsely. “You, me, them…us.”

The soft words burned into her, stirring sweet hope, but also pain and doubt. “How could I marry you, Richard, when you think so low of me? You believe me to be shallow and inconstant. If we marry, you will watch me with cold eyes, waiting for the day I will falter to then confirm your belief in my frailty. And I will be hurt on some days; I am human.” Her voice was ragged with emotion. “What woman would be happy with the thought of her family’s reputation and honor always being called into question? There are days their barbs will strike, perhaps when I am excluded from social events, I will sigh in regret or even feel the prick of anger at their callousness. I will feel hurt when my mother lashes out, and when friends turn from me. I cannot anticipate the hurt I will feel when you judge me for it, especially when I know in my soul nothing can separate me from the love I feel for you. I don’t need to hide behind you as you protect me from the cruel world out there, but I do need to walk beside you, and I am not sure if you know that I am capable.”

He reached for her, and she stumbled back, knowing that if he touched her, she would crumble. They stared at each other for painful minutes, before Evie turned toward the corridor. His hands caught her around the waist, and then his forehead pressed into her back.

Oh God, he is kneeling.

“Evie, don’t… Please, I’ve been a colossal fool, my actions were driven by fear of losing you. I wanted to protect you when I simply needed to give you my unreserved trust. I know your strength, your honor, and kindness. Each moment when I’ve been alone, I only needed to think of you and the world righted. Your fortitude was never in doubt when you rebelled at sixteen to forge your own future instead of succumbing to your mother’s demands. I know now that all this time you waited for me, every suitor you rejected was for me…for us. Even when the scandal sheets and cartoons vilified me…jeered at our friendship, you stood strong, a gentle force that had no hope of being broken or persuaded away, but I didn’t want to see it, I didn’t want to trust in what was right before my eyes. You’ve been prodded by society and your parents to flee my presence, but you never wavered. I tried to push you away, and you crafted a plan to ensnare my heart, and you caught me soundly. Aurelia’s actions had devastated me, but you, my love, have the power to undo me. Having almost lost you made me realize living in a world without you is unfathomable. I’ve faltered,” he admitted gruffly.

“When their swords cleaved deep, and I brewed with disgust and anger, I turned to you. It has always been you. Whenever the world got too bleak, too dark, I would find a reason to ensure our paths crossed, and a smile from you would beat it all into submission. When you falter I’ll be there without judgment or fears you’ll wilt. I’ll understand when the burden gets heavy, and I’ll hold you, and worship you, until all that is dark and uncertain flees. I cannot promise I won’t slay those who attempt to hurt you, I’ll break all who try, but I’ll be with you every step of the way. Evie, I love you. I do not want you behind me, my love, but by my side always.”

A whirlpool of emotions gripped her—pain and anguish, colliding with joy, desire, and love. The words she’d wanted to hear from his lips for six years had finally come forth. He was on his knees baring himself to her, and never had she seen him so vulnerable. Tears blurred her vision.

She turned to him, and he rose, then she walked toward the terrace doors. A harsh breath of relief issued from him. She strolled ahead, then down the steps and outside onto the lawns. Her steps slowed, and she gazed in wonderment at the hundreds of lanterns lighting the pathway, directing her through the winding maze of gardens. After several twists, she rounded a corner and slowed, her heart lodging in her throat.

The guests she’d wondered about were seated under a very large and beautifully decorated gazebo. Evie doubted fifty people were present, but some of the most influential people in society were there. Her gaze skipped to the left where she spied Mrs. Cranston and several children. As if controlled by another, her feet propelled her forward. The guests surged to their feet, and she faltered. At the front of the gazebo, a bishop waited…along with Emily, dressed in a beautiful white ballgown. Evie sobbed and laughed when Emily waved at her, hopping on her stocking-clad feet. The imp had lost her shoes. Her eyes widened upon seeing her parents and her brother. How? When had they arrived?

You, me, them…us

His wonderful heat came closer. “I have the special license Wolverton had gotten for us.”


She faced him.

A slight tremor went through his tautened frame, and his brilliant amber eyes burned through her, stripping away her fears and filling her heart with hope.

“Marry me, Evie, be my friend, my lover, my marchioness. It’ll be us against the weak-minded fools of society, but we’ll also have the love and support from those who matter.”

She could barely see him through a film of tears. “I’ve loved you from the beginning. I was only sixteen, but I knew with every part of me, I belonged to you. I’ll never be a hoyden,” she whispered with a shaky laugh, “but there is no force in society that can induce me away from your side. I love you beyond propriety and expectations. I’ll be your lover, your wife, and marchioness, for I love you quite desperately.”

With a groan of relief, he stepped closer and pulled her to him. She lifted her tear-filled eyes to his blurred face. He brushed his lips over hers, a fleeting touch of his breath passing from his lips to hers. As if he couldn’t help himself Richard kissed her tenderly again and again. A gasp sounded from behind and Evie did not care; they all believed or knew he’d already debauched her. They were already scandalous and outrageous. Each kiss went deeper, lingered longer. He pulled from her, and Evie smiled, happiness pounding through her with a dizzying effect. She’d gaze at him all night long if she could. “I love you, Richard,” she whispered achingly.

“And I you. I love you, Evie.”

Then her father was there, and she hugged him. “Oh, Papa,” she gasped. “You must have known.”

“I did, my dear child, I did,” he replied fondly.

“Mamma will not forgive you for keeping this from her.”

“Yes, but my nerves are better off for her not knowing in advance. And I daresay she will be in raptures at the generous settlement Lord Westfall made. Now let’s get you down that aisle


Evie turned to see Richard had gone ahead, and she glided down the makeshift aisle with a beautiful trellis of flowers on each side. Before passing the children, she stopped and hugged them, laughing as they returned her embrace enthusiastically. She almost choked to see James had a knife showing from his waistband.

Evie made it to Richard’s side and faced him.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate…”


Six months later…