She hurried past him, before halting. Shifting slightly, she angled her head to meet his regard.

There was something dark and turbulent in the gaze that peered at him, stripping his soul. “Who are your guests? Normally I would never be so impolite, but I cannot help noticing you’ve made a concentrated effort to not mention their names.”

He hesitated. Damn his soul to perdition. “The Earl and Countess of Ashford and their daughter, Lady Honoria.”

Evie gasped, and her lashes lowered, hiding her emotions from him. “I see.”

Richard swallowed a harsh curse. He’d hurt her, and it was the last damn thing he wanted to do. Irrationally, he wanted those eyes bared to him so he could understand the mire of entanglements he had to wade through.

“Have you made up your mind then to court her?” she asked hoarsely.

The silence was brittle as the unspoken questions were asked only in the defiant tilt of her head, and the damming glare in her eyes. Though she made no further reply, her eyes asked him if he intended to offer for another, when he had been wrapped in bliss with her only a few hours past. Pleasures he had never known possible had dug into that cold, lonely place in his heart and had truly thawed inside from the second he had rounded the corner and espied her presence at Kencourt.

He was unable to prevaricate with Evie. Their friendship had always been built upon honesty, and he was not about to compromise that now. “I’d made the decision when I sent the invitation.” Before I kissed you, Evie…before you enslaved me to your taste, feel, and scent.

He almost roared at the pain that darkened her gaze and the soft moan of denial that seemed to have slipped from her.

She firmed her lips and straightened her shoulders. “Do you love her?”


“Lady Honoria.”

“Good God, no,” he said gruffly. “I feel nothing for her.”

“I see.” Except he did not believe she understood. It was precisely his lack of affections for the lady, and her low popularity with the ton, that meant he was capable of introducing her to his scandals. Now he wished he had sent Evie home last night, instead of succumbing to his weakness.

“If you will excuse me, I will ready myself for travel and bid the children a good day.”

She spoke without meeting his gaze, and a pervasive fear pumped through Richard. “Evie.”

She faltered but did not turn around.

What the hell was he to say? “You will inform me if you find yourself with child.” Bloody hell. He was making no allowances for her sensibilities.

She jerked as if she had been slapped and wrapped her arms around her middle. Evie spun around. “A child is possible?”

The innocence displayed in the question rocked him. “Yes.”

Her lips parted in evident shock. “I see.” She lowered her lids, shielding her eyes from him, and a disquiet pierced his soul.

“You’ll inform me, Evie, I’ll have your word.” If she found herself with child he would do right by her and damn the consequences, no matter how painful. “Aurelia didn’t let me know and—”

Her eyes flared with shock, fear, and a heavy dollop of anger. “Don’t you dare for a second even imply I would be so persuaded like that witch.” Without awaiting his response, she turned and walked away with quiet dignity. Regret coated his tongue with a vile, bitter taste. Fucking hell. A heavy weight settled deep in his stomach. This was what he had wanted to avoid, why he had so ruthlessly prevented himself from viewing her as more than a friend for six fucking years of continuously wanting her. He must now contemplate the consequences of his actions and consider how he could rectify the damage he had done.

He really did not want to lose her friendship.

Evie rushed from the room, her stomach clenched tight with nausea, her breath rasping in her aching throat. How naive she was in the art of passion and matters of the heart. The memory of how Richard had loved her had furious heat flushing her entire body. She could not wipe the thoughts of their night together from her mind. And the fact he would be speaking with Lady Honoria’s father soon.

In a daze, Evie made herself presentable, and less than half an hour later descended the stairs.

Emily was waiting on the bottom steps, a sad smile on her face.

“Papa told me you must leave. Will you be coming back, Lady Evie?”

She stooped and ruffled the girl’s hair before pressing a kiss to her gently rounded cheek. “Yes, I will, we shall be great friends, you and me. If you will have me to tea tomorrow, I would love to call upon you. Or perhaps you will allow me to send a carriage for you?”