Two days later, Evie arrived at Rosette Park, with Miss Rogers as her chaperone. Miss Rogers was to return at once with the carriage since Mamma needed her. Evie had reassured her mother that Adel would provide her with a maid and a chaperone if she needed to venture out during her stay at Rosette Park. Evie had slept for an hour to refresh herself from the long journey, and now she walked briskly along the corridor to the parlor to meet Adel for tea.

The door was slightly ajar, and she faltered at the passionate embrace Adel was locked in with her duke. His large hands cradled her nether cheeks, and his mouth ravished his wife with scorching expertise. Adel moaned, an

d Evie blushed. She must have made some sound for they broke apart, the duke reluctantly releasing Adel.

“Oh, Evie! You are awake,” she said, hurrying over to clasp her hands. Her cheeks were rosy, and her brilliant hazel eyes sparkled with wickedness.

It was moments like these Evie was eternally grateful she had slipped Adel the keys to the duke’s chamber when she had been determined to compromise another.

“Come, I shall ring for tea, and we shall have a long overdue chat.”

Evie exchanged pleasantries with the duke, and she swore there was a cool knowledge in his eyes whenever he looked at her. She hid a smile as the duke pressed a kiss to his wife’s lips. He murmured too low for Evie to hear, but her friend reddened and laughed, delight glowing in her gaze. He bid them farewell with an enigmatic smile.

Adel watched her husband until he exited, a soft smile playing about her lips. She shifted on the sofa and faced Evie. Her friend had a quizzical frown. Adel gracefully poured herself tea, evidently marshaling her thoughts to order.

“It’s best to just get on with it,” Evie said quietly.

Adel took a sip of her tea, observing her rather intently across the rim. “I am glad to see you, Evie, but it is not like you to hie yourself to the country during the height of the season.”

“I daresay I may call upon my dearest friend whenever I feel the desire.”

Adel arched a delicate brow. “And this has nothing to do with the fact Westfall has returned to Hampshire?”

A thrill burst in Evie’s heart. “I was not sure he had returned.” As succinctly as possible, she informed Adel of the possible scandal in London.

“Oh dear, I wonder what has frightened Lord Ponsby away? It is quite odd, don’t you think?”

“Perhaps. In truth, I have given it little thought. Nor do I believe the few times we danced and walked together will be much cause for gossip. I indulged Papa for my own purposes,” she said with a wince.

Adel grinned. “I’m all ears.”

Evie took a bracing breath. “I had hoped to use this opportunity to call upon Richard unchaperoned.”

Her friend’s eyes widened. “Evie!”

“I promise I shall be on my best behavior,” she said with a laugh. “I…I find that Richard is more himself when we are alone. Mamma would never consent to me calling on him, even with a chaperone, hence my subterfuge.”

Adel sighed and lowered her cup and saucer to the center table. “I confess Lord Westfall is not the odious man I’ve thought him to be, but neither is he Mr. Affable.”

There had been a time Adel had not liked anything about Richard, finding him cold and arrogant.

“So, he improves upon closer acquaintance?”

“Marginally,” she retorted dryly. “I find him honorable, and his kindness and commitment to those less fortunate does him immense credit. I quite admire his dedication.”

“It relieves my heart to know you no longer hate him.”

“Are you certain there is nothing you need to tell me?” Adel asked. Her almond-shaped eyes, which were a stunning shade of hazel, were dancing with amusement and bald curiosity. “At your mother’s ball, Westfall fairly devoured you from where he stood. I admire his restraint in not asking you to dance.” Her eyes rounded. “Upon my word, Evie, you are as red as a beetroot.”

She chuckled nervously. “Lord Westfall…” She cleared her throat delicately. “Richard kissed me…thoroughly.”

Though she smiled, concern curled in her friend’s eyes. “Was it all you had hoped it would be?”

Memories of the scandalous way he had kissed between her legs had heat flushing along her entire body.

Adel gasped softly. “I see it is safe to surmise he did more than kissing.”