Her eyes widened. A duel?

“Come now, let’s discuss this like civilized gentlemen over brandy,” her father replied. “My nerves also need to be fortified, for when your mother hears this news, she will take to bed with her salts.”

What had happened? Evie hurried down the stairs in time to see her father and brother disappearing into the library. She hurried after them, knocking on the door and entering before she was bid.

“There will be no duels with you, Elliot, and what has happened that will shatter Mamma’s nerves?”

Her older brother by six years could have passed for her twin, much to his annoyance. They shared the same golden hair and dark green eyes. He stood as she entered, amusement flashing in his eyes.

“Upon my word, my dear, wherever did you hear rumors of a duel so soon?” her father demanded.

She laughed lightly, moving into her brother’s outstretched arms for a hug. “I’ve heard no gossip. I heard it from this devil’s lips myself from the stairs.”

Elliot hugged her close before releasing her to lower his lean but powerful frame into the high-winged chair opposite the sofa her father sank into. Evie rang for tea and then sat on the sofa.

“What has happened?”

Her father grimaced. “Lord Ponsby has left for Paris.”

“And why would this news cause distress?”

Elliot cleared his throat. “We know some tendre was formed between you and the viscount, Evie,” he said gently. “His father is flummoxed by his sudden departure, and he has cancelled several business meetings without rescheduling. The townhouse he had been letting was ordered closed. This suggests he will be gone for a long, undetermined amount of time.”

Her father clasped her hands. “That means, my dear, an offer will not be forthcoming, and there will be gossip surrounding the event. Society was aware of his keen regards to you.”

She almost cheered at her good fortune. “Oh, Papa, I assure you, I am not distressed.”

“Evie,” Elliot said. “You are missing the most salient fact. Society knew of a tendre. There will be gross rumors of a jilting and breaking of promises. His father had even made it known at White’s that Ponsby had informed him of a future alliance with our family. There will be lurid speculations, and our mother will be most severely distressed.”

Mamma abhorred any scandal attaching to their family name. Evie had fallen into line, as a well-behaved daughter should after the scandal she had caused last season. Her mother had wept piteously for weeks and had railed about the disgrace Evie had caused to happen under Pembington Manor’s roof. She acknowledged the hypocritical nature of it because her mother relished gossip.

“I hardly think there will be a fuss as there was no offer from Lord Ponsby.”

A frown split Papa’s forehead. “I think it is best you visit our home in Derbyshire until the furor has died down.”


“Hush now, Evie, it will only be for a week or two. I know you’ll be sorry to miss the many balls and routs, but there will be more fun to be had upon your return, so do not despair.”

A lump grew in her throat. “I would not despair to miss a few balls, Papa.” She allowed her gaze to encompass Elliot. “Is that what you believe of me?”

“We know these events are your life, Evie.”

“My life!” Dear Lord. “I…” Words deserted her. If her own family thought the sum of her life was so shallow… Her breath hitched on the memory of Richard’s words. Unable to sit still, she propelled to her feet and walked to the window, gazing sightlessly at the gardens. She spun around. “Papa.”

“Yes, my dear,” he said with a worried frown.

Good heavens, could he truly believe she would be distressed to be away from London for the season? The social season had always been thrilling and exhausting in equal measure, only this year, Evie merely felt tired. Or perhaps lonely. “It distresses me that you and Elliot believe the shallow pursuits of the season is the source of my joy and the depth of my character. I am appalled that my behavior could have contributed to such a belief.”

Her father gaped. “My dear—”

She shook her head. “Adel has traveled down to Rosette Park; may I visit her instead? She extended an invitation for me to call upon her for a few days. I so wish to see her, and this seems like the opportune moment.”

Elliot frowned, and she hoped he did not recall to mind that Richard owned an estate only an hour’s ride from Rosette Park, and rumors implied he lived there with his daughter.

Relief lighted her father’s face. “Very well, my dear. Have your belongings packed, and I will order the carriage. Your mother will be home in time for luncheon, and then you may depart.”

He stood, and she went to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Papa.” She hurried from the room, a most scandalous and terrifying plan forming.