“I need lessons in seduction.”

“Bloody hell. If you must work to ensnare your gentleman’s regard, he is a bloody fool,” Richard said gruffly. “You are beautiful, Evie. Clever, witty, and kind. He should be damn well fortunate you would consider him.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Who is this idiot?”

You, my darling. “I would rather not say.”

“Why in damnation not?”

“I already know you are going to investigate Ponsby, as you did all the other suitors who have approached me over the years. I would…prefer you not to do so with my secret gentleman.”

“And if I gave you my word?”

“I will still be directed by my desires and withhold his name from you.”

“And what makes you think I have any notion of what in God’s name you must do to attract this buffoon?”

Evie couldn’t help laughing. “Rumors say you’ve had various lovers—actresses, famed courtesans, ladies belonging to high society and ladies of questionable morals. Surely you have some idea of how they caught you so thoroughly?”

“Perhaps it was I who caught them,” he said with some amusement and with such arrogant superiority she wanted to slap him.

She settled with an inelegant shrug. “Unquestionably it was mutual.”

“And what do I get from this?”

“You get to make a dear friend the happiest of women.”

After a pulse of silence, he responded, “And that is all the incentive I need.”

A wide smile split her face, and he sucked in a harsh breath. Evie pushed out her hand for him to shake. He held her palm lightly. “Then we have a bargain. You will teach me how to kiss properly, in secret of course, how to flirt, and you will attend balls and dance with me so that he can be dreadfully jealous.”

Richard shook her hand. “I may be present at a few balls, I may dance with you, I may give you meaningful insight on how to attract this unmitigated idiot, but there will certainly be no kisses.”

It was something, Evie conceded grudgingly, but not quite what she needed. “And why no kisses?”

The air tightened with an unexpected tension, and the pulse jumped in her throat.

“That would be too dangerous.”

“You have kissed me before.”

A powerful heat flared in the depth of his gaze. “That has no bearing on how we must go forward now. And those kisses were chaste.”

“Chaste? You’ve intrigued me, Richard. I quite thought at the time they were illicit and daring. Are you suggesting there is more?”

He narrowed his gaze in warning.

She pursed her lips, trying not to smile. “You would prefer I seek someone else’s tuition for lessons on how to kiss properly?”

“Good Christ, I implied nothing of the sort.”

“Without lessons in the art of delicate seduction, I am certain I am to muck it up. The very idea is intolerable.”


He swallowed, at an apparent loss for words as she moved to sit beside him. She quite liked ruffling the feathers of a man of the world like Richard. Acting on pure feminine instinct, she lifted the veil from her face and lightly kissed the firm side of his jaw. Her heart pounded an exhilarating yet terrifying tempo. When he didn’t shift from her tentative exploration, her anxiety lessened, and her curiosity increased. How far could she tempt him? “Perhaps we should attempt a lesson now…that way you can plan how thorough your lessons need to be.”

“I’m of a mind to turn you over my knees and redden your backside. Perhaps then you’d act with more sense,” he replied, his voice quiet, too soft, dangerous.

“Is it wanton to admit the thought of your hand on my backside is shamefully appealing?” she teased, even as a bolt of heat shot through her.