He released her nipples, and trailed his hands down to grip her buttocks. Their mouths still melded together in a passionate dance, he glided her up and then slammed her down hard. She moaned into his slow sensual kiss, which was an erotic contrast to the manner in which he rocked her with depth onto his length.

One of his hands slid around to her front, outlining the shape of her hips and stomach, and then Edmond gripped a fistful of nightgown from inside and ripped. Cool air washed over her chest as the silk parted under his strength. He bent her forward, thrusting her breast into his mouth, the move almost lifting her completely from his length. His teeth raked the sensitive tip of her nipple.

Every tug and lick of her nipple resonated in the ache deep in her core.

A wail of agonized need slipped from her as he impaled her once more. Her hips jerked, a cry tearing from her lips as he seated her over and over on his throbbing thickness with more piercing depth and strength.

“Ride me, duchess.” His growl was low and rich.

A broken cry of need escaped her as she responded with wantonness. It was almost too much, the need clawing at her, the broad length stretching her, at times lashing her with a hint of pain to swirl with the intense ecstasy pummeling her.


No other sound followed the guttural groan of her name, but his grip tightened and instinctively she realized the same exquisite tension peaking inside her, rose in him as well.

Sweat slicked their skins as they slid together in the raw, beautiful and primal rhythm. Waves of blinding sensations stormed her senses and she exploded with such intensity that she couldn’t breathe, and seconds later he clasped her to him and lifted her, a hot splash landing on her stomach as he groaned his pleasure.

They remained held like that for a few minutes. Then he raised his head, and the hunger she saw, strangled her breath. Edmond stood with her, and in a few strides tumbled with her to the bed, fusing their lips together, nudged her thighs apart, and with acute gentleness, slid deep inside her.

“Travel with me to town,” he breathed against her lips.

“To town?”

“Yes, I depart Rosette Park tomorrow.”

He shifted, and she shuddered at the pleasure of him buried so deep.

“It is too soon.”

“I will delay my journey for a couple days. Is this sufficient?”

Adel swallowed. She hardly knew what prompted such an invitation, but he truly wanted her company. A grin split her lips. “Oh, yes, quite sufficient.”

“Good.” Then he lowered his lips to hers once more. And for the rest of the night, Adel knew nothing but bliss.

Chapter Nineteen

Two days later, Adel arrived at one of the most fashionable townhouses she had ever seen in Upper Brook Street, several long tedious hours after departing Hampshire. She was tired, but filled with too much excitement at the thought of retiring. She was never the one to look forward to balls and tea parties, given her dismal receptions these last seasons. But to know it was Edmond she would be making the rounds with filled her with an electrifying thrill.

“You are excited,” he observed with a small smile.

“A bit. I have longed to visit the theatres and Vauxhall. Only Papa and Lady Margaret had been able to afford certain social pleasures, since we were practicing economy, and no gentleman invited me.”

“They were fools…and I am glad they were, for I never would have met you,” Edmond said with sincerity.

She smiled at his compliments though she did not take it to heart. Since he had consummated their vows, he had taken her several times and Adeline would not wish it any other way. But she could still see the reserve in his eyes, and many times, the puzzled look that creased his brows whenever she caught him watching her.

The door to the carriage opened, and he hopped down to assist her out. Large wrought iron gates greeted her, and as they entered, she couldn’t help marvel at the elegance of the townhouse.

As they entered she was introduced to the butler and the housekeeper. Meg had traveled with her, and in quick order Adeline was being directed to her chambers. A large pile of expensive papers tied with a ribbon was handed to her by the housekeeper Mrs. Bromley.

“These are for you, Your Grace.”

She accepted them with a nod, and climbed the stairs, Edmond right behind her. They entered his chamber and a sigh escaped her as they were finally alone. She walked over to the barouche desk in the corner and set the pile of correspondence on it.

“What do you think these are?”

“Invitations to balls, teas, house parties, and begging letters from charities seeking your patronage.”