Page 29 of My Darling Duke

“Yes,” he murmured, an odd look of calculation in his eyes. “I believe Penny has read all the newssheet mentions of your particular bravery and is keen on meeting you.”

Perhaps there was still hope she could turn this situation to her advantage. “I am very much obliged to you, Your Grace,” she said softly. “May I propose how long our engagement should stand while we explore the bonds of a possible friendship?”

His lips twitched. “No.”

His absolute denial sent a strange shock through her. “Your Grace—”

“The duration will not be bounded by time but by my…interest.”

She snapped her spine straight. In other words, if he found her company to be boring, he would not endure it for six days, much less six months. Kitty realized then he did not care why she had taken on such a deception; it mattered only that he had found something new and shiny to play with. And she was in no position to negotiate. The situation was becoming intolerable.

Then an unexpected warmth unfurled through her. This man was the elusive and powerful Duke of Thornton. Kitty quite believed he could have any number of ladies, both respectable and tarnished, by his side in whatever manner he desired. Yet it was something about her, a wallflower to the ton, that had captivated his regard.

Her foolish, foolish heart unexpectedly started to beat faster in sheer fascination. “I will make myself available, Your Grace.”

His eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “Then our negotiation is completed.” He lifted his teacup in some sort of salute before swallowing the contents.

They heard the sound of the front door opening, and anxious footsteps danced a hurried beat on the marble tiled floor. Kitty suppressed a groan as the excited tones of her mother and sisters filtered through the hallway. She stood, smoothing the wrinkles in her day gown, and took a steadying breath.

The duke obligingly followed suit and slowly stood, facing the open door, his hands clasped behind his back, his bearing one of command and power.

Discomfort curled through her, and she worked to banish it.

“Katherine, I’ve heard the most astonishing news—”

Her mother faltered upon seeing the duke, her hand fluttering to her chest. She appeared to be quite overcome as her gaze snapped from her daughter to the duke.

“Mamma…” Kitty cleared her throat, feeling unaccountably nervous. “Your Grace, may I present my mother, Viscountess Marlow, and my younger sisters, Miss Judith Danvers and Miss Henrietta Danvers.”

Her mother and sisters dipped into deep and elegant curtsies. Upon rising, her sisters made a valiant effort to not look directly at the duke’s scars, but her mother stared at him without any revulsion. In truth, Mamma’s eyes were soft with compassion and respect.

“It is a privilege to make your acquaintanceship, Your Grace,” Mamma said with a smile.

The duke stepped forward and surprised Kitty by offering them a most charming bow in return.

“Lady Marlow, how delightful to make your acquaintance at last. Misses Danvers, I’ve heard many good things about you; I’m charmed.”

Kitty watched in muted amazement as her mother and sisters flushed, and as the duke transformed himself into a most amiable gentleman, being very subtle but eloquently persuasive with his compliments. He politely declined the offer for more refreshments and made a promise to call with his godmother in a few days. Her mother almost swooned with rapture at that piece of news.

Soon the duke departed with a speaking glance in her direction, and her sisters were shooed to the smaller sitting room by their parent.

Now that they were alone, Kitty almost fidgeted under the penetrating stare of her mother.

“When you told us the duke was your fiancé, I grappled to believe it. And despite the announcement in the papers, I thought the engagement was not real,” she said softly, her eyes searching every nuance of Kitty’s expression. “You have always been too daring a

nd irrepressible, and I wondered…”

“How astonishing you should think that, Mamma.” Kitty kept her face serene despite the awful jerking in her heart and lowered herself onto the sofa. “Shall I ring for more tea?”

“No,” her mother murmured, strolling over to sit beside her. “The duke’s arrival in town was all anyone could speak of. I ran into Lady Goodall and Lady Weston, and I had to pretend knowledge of his appearance at last night’s ball and the shocking news you disappeared alone with him for several minutes.”

She clasped her mother’s hand. “Forgive me, Mamma— I should have informed you this morning. Last night the duke’s appearance was unexpected. He wanted to surprise me. And we did have a private audience.”

Her mamma squeezed her fingers reassuringly. “And did the private meeting accomplish what you desired?”

Kitty hesitated, the need to fling herself onto her mother’s bosom welling in her heart. It had been so long since Kitty had sought comfort and direction from her parent. In truth, it felt as if Kitty herself had been the directional force in the household since Papa died, and it was she who supplied reassurance and handled all the troubles they faced. For more than five years, they had depended on her for food, household management, stability, and a sense of safety. Not once had she crumbled, but now her lips trembled, and her throat burned with the need to unburden. If only for a few minutes.

Her mother was staring at her, clearly waiting for her to say something. It was a tactic that had worked alarmingly well from when she was a small child. That piercing and unflinching stare from their mother always had her children revealing all their secrets and shenanigans.