“She’s legally my dependent, so she’s entitled to the benefits. Though there aren’t many anymore.”

“I can manage this alone,” Melanie said.

“I know you can,” he said softly. “But it’s there for her. I earned the right to have those benefits extend to her. When she’s ten she’ll have an ID card and use of facilities on the base.”

Although they spoke softly, people were staring, listening. Melanie hitched the baby on her hip. “We can discuss this later.”

“Sure,” he said easily, taking his cards back and slipping them into his wallet. He walked to the far side of the room, opened the stroller and rolled it back to her. Juliana reached out for him, practically squirming to get to him.

Jack put her in the stroller, kneeling to strap her in. “You were so brave,” he said to her. “I’m proud of you, princess.” He dried her tears, kissed her head and with Melanie, led her out of the front door.

Almost like a real family.


Melanie grabbed her handbag from her desk and was heading for her office door when her secretary popped her head in.

“Your one o’clock is here, Ms. Patterson.”

Melanie glanced at the time, frowning. “They’re very early.”

“I tried to tell them that, but they seemed impatient.”

Melanie shook off her disappointment of losing yet another chance to run home to see her baby. Besides, going home meant seeing Jack. Jack sitting on her sofa with Juliana asleep in his arms. Jack being a culinary genius in her kitchen and preparing some of the best meals she’d had in a year.

“It’s all right. Show them in, Laura.” She tucked her handbag in the drawer and moved from behind her desk, tugging at the hem of her jacket. Her welcoming smile drooped when the door swung open and Jack strode in with Juliana in his arms.

“What are you doing here?” Despite her protests, she went to him, taking her baby and hugging her close. “Oh, hello, sweetie,” she murmured, and the baby giggled excitedly and squeezed her back.

“There is something to be said about a woman in a power suit,” Jack remarked, standing close and letting his gaze roam leisurely over the deep-green designer outfit.

She met his gaze and suddenly felt beautiful.

“You’ve got the sexiest legs in this hemisphere.”

She smiled. “And who has them in the Southern Hemisphere?”

He grinned and reached to unwind the baby’s fingers from her earring. She always had a good comeback, he thought, and it was hard for her to take a compliment. “Don’t know, don’t care. How about taking a break with me?”

“I have an appointment who’s likely waiting in the lobby.”

“I’m the appointment.”

Melanie blinked.

“I asked Laura to schedule some time, hoping that you’d go to lunch with us.”

Us. It was enough to make her cave. Almost. Any time alone with Jack was dangerous to her heart.

“Jack, you can’t take time from customers who need to see me.”

“I opened an account for Juliana. So I guess that makes me a customer.”

She felt cut off at the pass. “Why did you do that?”

“So I can start her college fund.”

“I’m a banker, Jack. I’ve already started one. Before she was born, as a matter of fact.”

“Ahh, but by then college is going to cost twice as much.” His voice lowered and the deep tone coated her. “I helped make her, Melanie. I’m here to share the responsibility.”

She couldn’t protest that. It was for their baby, and she’d give up anything for her.

“So how about it?”

Melanie pressed her lips to her baby’s head, missing her so much lately, then looked at Jack. The idea of sitting in a restaurant wasn’t appealing.

“Come on.” His smile was low-down sexy, and with the tight jeans, tight shirt showing off all that muscle, he worked magic on her.

Melanie wondered if she could stick to her resolve, because being near Jack was a cross between denial of what she’d like and danger of getting her heart broken.

At her continued silence, he arched a brow. “Scared to be alone with me still, Melanie?”

Her defenses rang out like a chime. “Lead the way, sailor.” This was so she could spend time with Juliana. And if it wasn’t for Jack being here, she wouldn’t have had the chance, she reminded herself.

“Hmm, snappy attitude. I hear fear.”

She rolled her eyes. “Give it up, Jack.”

Not a chance, Jack thought and followed her out, his gaze dropping to her cute behind. He bit back a groan and the urge to drag her back inside the office and learn what color lingerie she wore underneath that green power suit. The idea was quickly drenched when half the staff rushed over to see the baby.