Oh, don’t go there, she thought, and needed to put some distance between them. It didn’t help that the memories of this man making love to her were just too vibrant to shut into a little corner of her mind.

“I’m going to change,” she blurted, and he looked up, frowning as she rushed off.

Melanie hurried into the house, first changing her daughter’s diaper and giving her a drink, then taking her into the bedroom while she changed out of her work clothes and into jean shorts and a light cotton T-shirt.

“Come on, sweetie, let’s keep busy,” she said, gathering up her daughter and heading into the kitchen. She put Juliana in her walker, then hunted in the fridge.

An hour later Jack stepped inside, inhaling the delicious aromas and running a rag over his face and the back of his neck. “You’re cooking?”

“Don’t look so surprised, Singer. I thought I’d give you a break, though I’m not quite the culinary artist you are.”

He smiled, unreasonably touched. It was just a meal, but she looked adorable in the apron emblazoned with “Domestic Goddess” across the chest and with flour on her nose. He swiped at the flour.

“Mind if I use your shower?”

She went still for a second, just looking at him. “Of course not, go ahead.” She paused in setting the table to fill a glass with water and ice. “Here. You need to replace all that water you’ve been sweating out.”

He took the glass. “Thanks.” He drained it without stopping, then let out a loud satisfied sigh.

Juliana copied him, beaming up at him.

Melanie laughed hard. “Good Lord, she’s already picking up your habits,” she said.

“At least they’re not the really bad ones.” Jack winked at the baby, then headed toward the bathroom, pleased that Melanie was more at ease around him. She’d been like an edgy cat that past few days. Ever since he’d kissed her outside the bank. He’d been more than tempted to try that again, but her avoidance told him that no matter the effect, she’d considered it a breach of trust.

He was drying off and pulling on his jeans when he realized his shirt was beyond hope. Going shirtless the rest of the evening was unacceptable. He’d have to go back to Lisa’s for fresh clothes.

A knock sounded and he pulled open the bathroom door.

Melanie’s breath snagged at the sight of his bare chest and damp hair. She held up a T-shirt. “It’s yours. You must have left it here and it got tossed in with… It’s clean. I thought since the other was dirty…well, here.” She shoved it at him, irritated with herself that she was suddenly unable to speak around him. He took it. Smiling, he stepped into the hall.

She didn’t turn away. She didn’t move. It wasn’t just the muscle and the sexy way he was looking at her, it was the man. In the past two weeks she’d learned more about Jack than she ever thought she could. And it was getting to her. He was getting to her. And the kiss they’d shared outside the bank was just a kiss, but it had made a lasting impression. A lingering one.

“I like it when you look at me like that,” he murmured.

The sexy tone of his voice should have alerted her. “Like what?”

“Like you did in the elevator when you put my hand under your gown.”

“I’m just giving you a shirt, Jack.”

“Uh-huh.” He took a step and loomed.

“For a man who deals in accurate details, you sure are reading more into this than there is.”

“Am I?”

“Fine. Have it your way. Dinner’s ready.”

“Good. I’m starved,” he said, staring at her mouth.

She could almost taste him, wanted to taste him, dammit. “Well, it’s hot.”

She started to move away, and he caught her, his hand sliding over her waist and wrapping her like warm silk. “Me, too.”

Her hands went to his chest, her heartbeat tripping over itself. She could barely catch her breath. “This isn’t wise.”

“I can take only so much tiptoeing around you, Melanie.” He didn’t let her go.

She didn’t push away. “I’m a big girl. You don’t have to tiptoe.”

“Darlin’, I’m glad to hear that.” He tilted his head and laid his mouth over hers.

The contact created combustion, and the flames licked around them both. Her arms slid up his chest and around his neck.

Melanie held on. And Jack fed the fire.


He molded, he toyed, he played with her senses until she thought she’d scream with the sheer pleasure of it. Her body came alive, nerve endings suddenly raw and revved for his touch. There was nothing subtle in his kiss, nothing restrained. If Jack wanted to show her that in this, nothing had changed…he’d done so. In spades.