“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” His tone said he’d planned to change that. He poured steaming pasta into a strainer. “I have a lot of time spent just waiting around for the go ahead, so I read.”


“Any book that’s handy, to be honest. I don’t get the chance to cook for more than myself very often, so grabbing this chance seemed like a good idea.”

She rose and moved to the counter, careful to keep the baby away from the stove in case of splatters. Jack chopped fresh herbs, then lowered the temperature on a roux and stirred. The scents dancing through her kitchen were fantastic.

Melanie snatched a sample of the chicken he had cooling while he worked on a sauce, popping the chunk into her mouth. “Oh, man.”

“Good?” he asked with a quick glance.


“Why don’t you change and get comfortable? I fed Juliana already.” As if he read her mind, he showed her the empty baby-food jar.

She took a step away, then paused to look back at him. He moved in her kitchen as if he’d been there before, and worked with great care, she noticed, dipping to taste, season, stir. But the fact that he was here, inviting himself into her life, her home, said that Jack wasn’t going to be pushed out. If he was here for Juliana, she’d never deny him, but Melanie had a sneaking suspicion he had a plan she’d have a tough time to fight.

But right now she was so hungry she’d have gnawed through shoe leather, so if he wanted to cook, let him, she thought.

“Go on, Melanie. Have some time with Juliana.” He didn’t turn to look at her, and his ability to sense her like that was unnerving.

She headed to the bedroom with Juliana and couldn’t help but notice how the baby gurgled loudly for Jack as she went.

Jack knew he was being a little devious, but with the way Melanie had reacted to him yesterday he knew she’d try her best to keep him out of her life. He wanted in. He told himself it was to see his daughter, that he’d already missed too much of her life and needed to catch up. But the truth was, there was more to it, and it had everything to do with Juliana’s mama. He added a splash of water to the sauce and thought about how Melanie had looked when she arrived; businesslike, confident and sexy in that snug-fitting blue suit. He wanted to peel it off her and see what she wore beneath.

He marshaled his restraint and kept focused on dinner. He wasn’t trying to impress her. He didn’t think his culinary skill made a difference to Melanie, but the fact that she didn’t have anything in her freezer made him assume that she probably didn’t do anything more than open a box and hit “express cook” on the microwave, and she hadn’t been doing much for herself lately.

A half hour later, he heard her footsteps in the hall again just as he was popping the cork on the bottle of wine.

She stopped near the table, the baby on her hip. “I didn’t have any wine.”

“You didn’t have much of anything. Jules and I went shopping.”

“You took her out?”

“Yes, in my car, in the car seat, with Diana. Good grief, Melanie.” He looked insulted.

“Sorry, I just haven’t had to trust anyone with her except Diana in a while.”

“I know.” He offered a smile and a glass of wine. She thanked him, sipped and made a pleased noise as she moved toward the windows facing the backyard. In soft cotton leggings and a lavender linen blouse she looked delectable, her deep-red hair spilling over her shoulders and catching the setting sun. Juliana was growing sleepy, and she rested her head on her mother’s shoulder, her tiny fist wrapped in Melanie’s hair.

Jack felt a swell of something close to pride when he watched them for a moment. Melanie whispered to the baby, rocking her gently. She’d already bathed Juliana and dressed her for bed. Jack didn’t want his daughter to be sleepy. As far as he was concerned, he’d missed six months of seeing her grow.

Melanie set the glass aside, holding the baby closer, rubbing her back.

“Hungry?” he asked.


When she went to put the baby down for bed, Jack came to her. “Not yet, please.”

“Have you ever tried to eat with a child on your lap?”

“Guess I’m going to learn.” He took the baby from her.

Melanie’s heart did a flip when Juliana curled against him with a contented sigh. They sat and Jack held their daughter, encouraging Melanie to eat while the food was hot. She tasted the meal. It was heavenly.

“Whoa. Okay, you’re hired.”

He chuckled and Juliana lifted her head to stare at him. Wide eyes skimmed his face, as if trying to understand who he was and why he was here. He smiled, kissed her, and satisfied with that, she laid her head back down on his shoulder.