“Awesome!” Zach exclaimed. “Of course, we’d be happy to shoot it. Have you sorted out the details yet?”

Lexi stiffened. She’d already made her position on this clear at the bonfire. Had he forgotten or did he just not think she was serious? And since when did he get the right to answer for her? She wasn’t his employee. She wasn’t his partner. She was, at best, a consultant, while she was in town, and they’d agreed she got right of refusal on any jobs that came her way.

The roaring in her ears blocked out the next stretch of their conversation. The next thing she knew, Eli was rising, offering his hand to Zach and getting pulled into a back-slapping hug. Lexi held her tongue, offering him a hug and congratulations herself. Her beef wasn’t with him, and it could wait until he was gone.

“See you at Los Pantalones later, Zach.”

“Yeah. See you there.”

As the door shut, Lexi braced herself for a return to the question he’d asked before they were interrupted.

Zach turned to her, grinning. “Man, this is so awesome. Eli and Jessie engaged. Who would’ve called that in high school?”

She sent up a brief prayer of thanks that Eli had distracted him. But she knew it wouldn’t last. “I’m happy for them, truly. But I won’t be there to shoot it. I don’t appreciate you speaking for me without asking.”

His grin faded. “I’m sorry for not asking first, but I figured you’d want in on this. They’re our friends.”

“Yes, they are. But I’ve already said I won’t be going to the reunion.”

“Why? I mean, I know dances aren’t your thing, really, but surely you want to be there for this.”

Not my thing.

And this was the crux of the problem. As well as Zach knew her, as much as he understood her, he’d never recognized this. He’d been content to make assumptions and take her desperate agreement back then at face value. He had absolutely no idea what he was actually asking her to do, what demons he expected her to face. Oddly, that settled her a little. Whatever he knew or suspected about her feelings, it wasn’t about that particular humiliation.

“I would literally rather face a firing squad than go to the class reunion prom.” She meant it. Aside from the fact that she hated small-talk and had zero desire to reconnect with high school classmates other than their core group of friends—which she’d already done, thanks very much—she couldn’t face the reminder of her mistake.

“Why?” His baffled expression clued her in that her reaction was totally out of proportion to what he thought was going on.

But she couldn’t seem to stop herself. She felt exposed, as if any moment now, the final flimsy shield she carried would be yanked away and he’d see everything she’d fought so hard to hide. She needed to get the hell out of here, away from him, before he circled back around to try to pick up where they’d left off.

“It doesn’t matter why. I’ll take on almost any other shoot, but don’t ask me to do that.” Her voice shook, and she hated herself for that betrayal of emotion.

Zach’s head kicked back at her vehmence, but he looked concerned instead of angry. “Okay. That’s fine. I’ll sort it out. I’m not going to push you to do something you don’t want to do. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

He took a step toward her and she took an automatic step in retreat. If he touched her right now—well, she didn’t know what she’d do. Break down? Throw herself at him? Some mortifying combination of the two?

She ignored the flash of hurt and surprise that flickered over his face. She could only handle one person’s hurt at a time, and right now, hers took precedence.

“I need to go pick up the pizza.”

“What? Now?”

“Yeah.” Grateful her keys and wallet were in her pocket, she headed for the door. “Have fun at guys’ night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

For a moment, she worried he’d stop her, insist they hash this out.

But he only murmured, “See you tomorrow,” as the door closed behind her.

“To the end of an era!” Leo raised his margarita. “I never thought my brother would go before me.”

“Yeah, well, I haven’t gotten to ask her yet,” Eli muttered. “Keep your voice down.”

They all cast furtive glances around, making sure none of the town’s noted gossips were in hearing distance.

Reed scooped up a nacho. “What’s the plan there?”

“Gonna do it at the reunion.”