“I can hang out with them without going to the reunion.”

“It seems a shame to waste the opportunity to wear the dress.”

“You and I both know this wouldn’t fit me now. I’m not as small as I was in high school.”

“But you could—”

“Mama!” Lexi sucked in a breath, immediately sorry for her harsh tone. “Please let it go.”

Leandra held up her hands in a gesture of peace. “Okay.”

Lexi couldn’t quite look at her. “You know how much I appreciate what you put into this dress. I’m sorry I never got the chance to show off your handiwork.”

“I know, mija.” The gentle understanding in her tone made Lexi want to burrow into her mother’s arms to cry as she hadn’t let herself do then.

The doorbell rang.

Lexi gently laid the dress on the bed. “I’ll get it.” Firmly locking away old hurts, she headed for the front door.

That old wound gave a throb when she found Zach on the front porch, hair still damp from a shower, looking clean and fresh and annoyingly hangover-free. But it was mostly drowned out by the quick burst of pleasure at seeing him again. She could endure the discomfort for this.


“Morning.” His eyes skated over her, assessing.

With her messy bun and yoga pants, Lexi felt like something the cat dragged in. She resisted the urge to tug at the hem of her t-shirt or pat at her hair. There wasn’t a damned thing to be done about her appearance and it didn’t matter anyway.

“How’s the head?”

“I’ve had worse. I guess I have you to thank for that.” She had fuzzy memories of him getting her home, making her drink water and take some aspirin.

Something in his eyes darkened and for just an instant Lexi’s chest went tight. Like she’d seen that look before in far more intimate circumstances. Which was utterly ridiculous. She must’ve dreamed it. Still, she couldn’t stop the flush of heat that swept down her body or the yearning to sway into him.

His lips lifted. “What are friends for?”

She had to be imagining that strain around the edges of his smile. What would he have to feel awkward about?

He held out one of two to-go cups from The Daily Grind. “Here. This will help what’s left of your headache.”

Automatically, she took it,

backing up to let him inside. “What is it?”

“Hangover cure. We don’t ask Cassie what’s in it. We just say please and thank you.”

“In that case, thank you.” She took a cautious sip, pleased when the dominant flavor was still coffee. “Who’s the other one for?”

“Your mom. I know she’s got a fondness for mochas.”

“Zach Warren, is that you?” Leandra’s voice echoed down the hallway.

He grinned and the weirdness of the moment passed. Lexi could feel them recalibrating, getting back on even keel again.

“Yes ma’am!”

“Come on back here and give me a hug.”

Lexi tipped her head. “Guest room.”