“Then I’d say my mission has been a success.”

“Is that what this is for you? A mission? Operation Christmas?” The idea of it had a mental image unfolding in his brain of her in some kind of camo elf uniform, marching through the base to pass out cookies and holiday cheer. That’d be a helluva thing to see.

“Percy was my mission. You’re…something else.”

He circled them in the glow of the twinkle lights, considering his words. “I’m probably a bad idea.”


“I’m only here for a little while. I’ll be back overseas before you can blink, and I won’t be home again for—honestly, I don’t know how long. My deployment means I’m often out of contact for days or weeks at a time. I’m not in any kind of position to start something.”

“Which one of us are you trying to convince?”

He huffed a soft laugh. “I’m just saying, I know this isn’t ideal.” And there was the out if she wanted it.

Her eyes didn’t stray from his. “But?” The hopeful note had his fingers flexing against her.

He searched her face, not finding any reluctance or concern. “But if I don’t kiss you, I think it’s going to haunt me, wondering what you taste like.”

She shifted closer, her hand curling around his nape and stroking the fine hair there until he wanted to purr like some giant cat. “I’d say you have enough ghosts without adding that to the mix.”


He bent his head until it was just a whisper away from hers and held there, right at the edge of temptation.

She pulled back a fraction. “What are you waiting for?” she whispered.

“Percy’s interruption.”

It was her turn to laugh. “He has had pretty crap timing today. But I think he’s really gone to bed. And if he hasn’t, he’s invested enough in his matchmaking effort to stay out of the way.”

“Caught that, did you?”

“He’s not subtle.”

Ryan winced. “Sorry about that.”

“I think it’s sweet.”

“Sweet is not the word I’d use.”

“Ryan?” Amusement glittered in those big blue eyes.


“Stop thinking.” To make sure he did, she rose to her toes and touched her lips to his.

His mind emptied of everything but her. He’d imagined she’d be tentative, with a soft mouth ready to be coaxed. But she kissed like she did everything else—with a sweet enthusiasm. She was soft in all the best ways, pliant and willing as he wrapped her tighter in his arms and better angled his head to taste her. He traced the seam of her lips with his tongue and she opened for him with a sexy little moan that shot his body temperature up. She tasted of gingerbread, sweet and a little spicy. He wondered if she’d be like that in bed.

When he caught himself calculating the distance to the sofa, he tugged hard on the reins of his control. They weren’t alone in this house and that was a lot further than he’d meant to go. Ruthlessly throttling his arousal, he gentled the kiss, sifting his fingers through the silk of her hair to stroke down her back. She arched into the touch, fraying his hard-won control. When he could manage it, he set them swaying again to whatever new song played and eased back just enough to rest his brow against hers.

“Did that satisfy your curiosity?” Her breathless voice had a whole host of other needs rearing up and demanding satisfaction.

“I’m pretty sure that was a potato chip kiss.”

“A what?”

“You know that whole tagline? You can’t have just one.”