Something flickered in his gaze. “So the soup was paying it forward?”

She shrugged. “Maybe a little. I haven’t seen my guys since I left Atlanta. When I got out of the hospital, my doctor told me I couldn’t drive for a year, until they’d confirmed the seizure was a fluke. As you might imagine, that doesn’t work in Atlanta. So I ended up coming here and moving in with my sister while I recovered. The firm wasn’t interested in holding my job.”

“Well that’s shitty.”

Hannah’s lips curved at his summation of the situation. “Yeah. But it hasn’t been all bad. I love Wishful, and it’s been great to spend more time with Carolanne—that’s my sister.”

“You said you couldn’t drive for a year and that it’s been fourteen months. Have you had more seizures?”

“No. It seems to have been one and done.”

“But you haven’t gone back to Atlanta.” Leave it to him to zero in on the thing her sister had been dancing around for two months.

“No.” Not wanting to talk any more about that, she changed the subject. “So you were a soldier?”

Ryan settled back in his chair, picking up his iced tea. “Am a soldier. Army.”

“Oh yeah? What do you do?” When he didn’t answer, she grinned. “Is it one of those ‘I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you’ kind of jobs?”

His face settled into something that wasn’t quite the stoic mask she’d first seen, but was definitely a major step back from the easy flirtation he’d pulled out over dinner. “Something like that.”

Was he teasing? She couldn’t read him, but she didn’t think so. “You’re really going to leave it at that?”


Not sure where to go with that, she was grateful when their waitress came with the check.

By the time they stepped outside, the sun had long since gone down and downtown was mostly deserted, as even businesses with extended holiday hours had closed. She really needed to be getting home to bed, but she wanted to take a little detour first. “Let’s walk for a bit.”

Ryan fell into step beside her as she crossed the street to the town green. He remained silent as they strolled past the town Christmas tree, spearing into the sky across from City Hall, its lights casting a gorgeous golden glow against the night. She wondered if she’d struck a sore spot by asking about his job. He’d shut down at the mention of it. Or maybe it had simply made him think about other, far less pleasant things. She had no idea what he’d seen, what he’d been forced to do in the name of duty or survival. Such things could haunt a person. Those were the kind of ghosts that had contributed to her guys in Atlanta staying on the streets rather than fully reintegrating into civilian life. A part of her itched to take his hand, to offer him some warmth and human connection. But his hands were shoved into the pockets of his coat.

She stopped at the edge of the burbling fountain. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Looks old.”

“They built it just after the Civil War and sourced the water from Hope Springs. That’s why the town is called Wishful. Local legend says if you make a wish, it will come true.”

Amusement lit his eyes. “Has yours?”

“I haven’t made one.” But plenty of other people had. Coins glimmered beneath the water, like some kind of mermaid’s treasure.

He dug into his pocket and pulled out a coin, offering it to her. “No time like the present.”

Surprised, she searched his face. “You don’t strike me as a guy who’d believe much in wishes.”

“I’m not. But you strike me as a woman who does.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Because I’m dreamy and impractical? Not grounded?”

“Hopeful. I figure the world needs more people like you in it.” Reaching for her hand, Ryan folded the coin into it. Despite the cold, heat raced up her arm from where his fingers still curled around hers. Awareness slid through her, warm and sweet as molasses.

She really wanted this to be a date.

He jerked his head toward the fountain and released her hand. “Go ahead.”

Already regretting the loss of his touch, she turned to face the water. What should she wish for? She had everything she wanted for herself already. Her career goals se

emed like way too selfish a thing to waste a wish on. And he’d given her the nickel as if he couldn’t make a wish for himself. So by rights, it seemed she should wish something for him. She closed her eyes, still feeling the heat of his.