“Except not with me.”

“Not with you,” she agreed. “And that was…freeing.” Tess hadn’t expected that, and maybe it had contributed to her willingness to extend that time out of time. Or maybe it had simply been the man himself.

“So is that what we were? A vacation from your real life?” His tone was neutral, casual.

What did he want her to say?

“That’s how it started, yes. But I need you to know, Mitch—I may have omitted a million details, but my name is the only thing I outright lied to you about. I could see you wondering about that all through dinner. You met me. Not the businesswoman. Not the billionaire’s daughter. Not whatever other lens people usually see me through. None of it was an act.”

Unable to read his expression, Tess shifted toward him, giving in to the urge to touch him and laying a hand on his thigh. The muscles were tense, belying his easy manner.

“You disappeared on me.” There was no anger in his tone, though she knew she deserved that.

Swallowing against a knot of tears, she tried to find the words. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t face saying goodbye to you.”

After another long moment, his hand dropped to cover hers, and the relief of that touch almost had the tears spilling over.

“I didn’t want to say goodbye either.”

Everything in her wanted to unbuckle her seatbelt and snuggle up to him. But there were too many unanswered questions, too much reality between them for more than this small connection. Still, she turned her hand to curl her fingers around his,

basking in the warmth of his palm against hers and that soothing sense of the familiar.

He slid away as soon as they reached the hotel, and she instantly regretted the loss of his touch. Grabbing her bags out of the backseat, he ushered her inside. It was the first time Tess had been to The Babylon. The boutique hotel and spa had been a pet project of her father’s, one she now knew he’d invested in as a reason to be near Sandy. But it hadn’t been purely personal. She’d seen the financials on the place. It had proved to be a good business decision.

The lobby was elegantly appointed, with what felt like acres of Italian marble and a grand staircase of Cocobolo rosewood climbing to the second story. She’d seen the plans, knew there was a ballroom a little ways down the hall. The bar and dining room were at the front of the hotel, facing the expanse of the town green. Further down the block were the spa and conference facilities, but this central portion of the hotel housed two floors of high end guest rooms above the public spaces.

The woman in the navy blazer behind the front desk offered her a friendly, professional smile. “Welcome to The Babylon. How can I help you?”

“Reservation for Tess Peyton.”

The desk clerk snapped to attention like a soldier at inspection. “Yes, ma’am. Miss Peyton. We have you in the penthouse suite.” Her hands moved with brisk efficiency, preparing the key card. “Do you need anything? Room service? Would you like to book any spa treatments?”

A massage probably wouldn’t hurt, but she’d look into that tomorrow.

“No, thank you. I’m good for now.” Tess accepted the key and turned to Mitch, intending to make their awkward goodbye. But he was already heading toward the elevator. She hurried to catch up. “What are you doing?”

“Carrying your luggage.”

“I can do that myself.”

He spared her an amused glance. “A gentleman doesn’t allow a lady to wrestle with her own luggage. Especially not when she’s turned her ankle.”

The ache had faded to almost nothing during dinner. She’d forgotten.

In the elevator car, she stood in the opposite corner, well aware of the security cameras. There’d be more in the hall. She didn’t know how often or even if her father reviewed them, but she wasn’t taking any chances at generating questions she didn’t want to answer. She wasn’t sure what Mitch had in mind, but she knew what was likely to happen if he followed her into her room and into the first true privacy they’d had. She’d wanted him from the moment they’d met in Scotland. That had only intensified in their weeks apart. Part of her wanted to give in to that desire. To kick the door shut and revel in this chance meeting.

But how foolish would that be? Walking away from him the first time had nearly done her in. Being with him again would only deepen what they’d already started and make their inevitable parting that much worse. His life was here. Hers was in Denver. And even if neither of those things were true, they had the complication of their new family connection. As long as her father and Sandy stayed together—and she had no reason to believe that wouldn’t be permanent—Mitch was going to be in her life. Picking back up with an affair that could go nowhere would just make that all kinds of awkward in the future.

Saying nothing, she slid the keycard into the door and pushed it open.

Mitch followed her inside, setting down the suitcase and briefcase before turning toward her. His eyes searched her face, and she wondered what he was looking for, what he saw.

“I should go. You need to get some rest.”

Apparently he saw the jet lag. Well, that did wonders for her ego.

His lips curved. “You’re so transparent when you’re tired.” And at last, at long last, he stepped into her, lifting a hand to her cheek. “It doesn’t mean I don’t want to stay.”