“I want to get married,” she gasped.

Mitch grinned, his dimple flashing. Oh how she hoped their baby got that dimple. “Whenever you want.”


He laughed and set the water aside. “I think you’re a little busy at the moment.”

“I’m not kidding.”

Sobering, he shifted around to face her on the bed. “Tess, honey, you’re in labor.”

As far as she was concerned, that gave her a countdown clock. “Don’t care. I’m a Peyton. We always get what we want. You know this.”

“Baby, I appreciate that, but I’m not sure even you can hold back labor.”

She fisted a hand in the front of his shirt, knowing she probably looked crazed and not caring. “Watch me.” At this moment, she couldn’t think of anything more important than making sure she was a proper Campbell before this baby came into the world.

Mitch blew out a breath, apparently grasping the seriousness of the order. Those hazel eyes lit with determination. “I’ll see what I can do.” He kissed her hard and fast and slipped out of the room.

Tess groaned her way through three more contractions while he was gone. They were getting closer together. Only three minutes apart now.

A nurse came in to check her again.

“You’re at ten centimeters. It’s time! I’ll go get Dr. Jenkins.”

Gritting her teeth, Tess dug in her heels. “I’m not having this baby yet.”

Flashing her a disbelieving look, the nurse didn’t reply before she left the room.

Don’t argue with the crazy lady. Smart.

The door opened again and Mitch strode in, with Sandy, Trey, Cam and Norah in tow. Tess could see t

he rest of the family huddled in the doorway.

“Um…” The business end of things was facing away but this was a lot of people she hadn’t planned on being here at this moment.

Beaming, Mitch took her hand in his. “So one of the things Aunt Sandy can do as mayor is officiate weddings.”

“Nobody’s ever asked me to do it before.”

He’d actually found a way to pull this off. “I love you so much.”

“Back atcha.”

“Excuse me. Excuse me. Who are all of you?” Dr. Jenkins pushed through the mass of Campbells.

“Sorry, that’s our family,” Mitch explained.

“Too many cooks in this kitchen.” Dr. Jenkins shot a disapproving look at all of them.

“They stay until we’re married,” Tess insisted.


“Yeah, we’re having a wedding right now. My aunt is officiating.”

“Well now I’ve seen everything.” She settled on a stool at the end of the bed. “Get to it then, because we’re running short on time here. This baby is coming now.”