Seeing his uncertainty settled the last of her own doubts. “Not just the head injury and not the hormones.”

“Thank God. Plan D involved a flash mob of ‘Take A Chance On Me’, and I really didn’t want to go there.”

Tess’s mouth dropped open. “Really? I might have to change my mind just so I can see that.”

“No! No takesies backsies! You said yes. You’re in it now.”

“Yes, I am.” She drew him down, until his brow pressed lightly to hers. Her bruised head protested, but she didn’t pull away. “I can’t promise I’ll get it all right or that I won’t freak out. But I promise I love you, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.”

“We’ll figure it out together.”

He lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her with a gentle sweetness that undid her. They were going to be okay. Better than okay. They were going to be a family.

A throat cleared from the doorway.

Miranda stood there, a chart in her hands. “First off, sorry for intruding. But I figured you would want to know as soon as possible. I talked with Dr. Phillips and reviewed the tests myself. Everything came back clear. We’ll want to follow the usual protocols tonight to keep an eye on that concussion, but you and the baby are going to be fine.”

Tess sank back against the pillows. “Thank God.”

“Second, congratulations, and I’m sorry.”

Mitch frowned and shifted as if to block her from whatever was coming. “Sorry? For what?”

“Because the news of your pregnancy just hit the high-speed track of the gossip train. The Casserole Patrol are here volunteering today and overheard you at the nurse’s station. It’ll be all over town before Tess is discharged.”

Mitch groaned. “Man. So much for keeping a low profile.”

Tess squeezed his hand. “It’s fine. We weren’t going to be able to keep it a secret much longer anyway.” And she was grateful they didn’t have to hide anymore.

“On the plus side, they’re already in heavy debate about who’s knitting the baby blanket, booties, and hat.”

This was life in Wishful. It was crazy and it was different, but Tess thought it would be pretty amazing. “Does that mean we’ve effectively distracted them from Norah and Cam?”

“I’d say yes.”

“Then I’m guessing they owe us one.”

Miranda grinned. “Oh, big brother, you picked a good one. She’s gonna fit into this family just fine.”

Tess tipped her head to Mitch’s shoulder and realized Miranda was absolutely right. She did fit, and maybe that was the biggest surprise of all.


“It won’t be long now. The baby’s head is low and you’re at nine centimeters and fully effaced. I’m thinking it’ll be twenty, thirty minutes before you can push.” Dr. Jenkins patted Tess on the foot. “I’ll be back to check on you again in a little bit.”

“I can’t believe we’re about to meet Ulysses Barton.”

“Not a chance in hell,” Tess snarled, clamping down on Mitch’s hand and breathing through the next contraction. “Besides, it might be a girl.” In an attempt to be less rigid and plan obsessed, she’d opted not to find out.

“Well then, Nikita Xena.” At her bland stare, he just grinned. “What? They’re strong female role models.”

Tess just shook her head and continued to breathe until the contraction passed. She couldn’t quite believe the whole, wild ride was nearly over either. Despite their somewhat tumultuous beginning, she and Mitch had built that foundation. Her fiancé, as it turned out, kinda had a lock on that. He’d been her rock through the entire pregnancy, never once pressing the issue of the wedding. He’d left it entirely up to her, content having his ring on her finger.

At first, she’d waited because she’d needed time to settle into the idea. Then, they’d been overwhelmed with baby planning and finalizing renovations on the small business incubator. By the time the official ribbon cutting ceremony was through, she felt like a hippopotamus and couldn’t imagine waddling down the aisle. There was no couture on earth that would’ve made those wedding pictures something she ever wanted to see again.

But as the next contraction hit and her husband-to-be continued chattering on with the most ridiculous names—and dear God, how had they not actually settled on real ones in all these months?—Tess wondered what the hell she’d been waiting for. She loved this man beyond reason.

The spasm let loose and she slumped back, grateful when he offered her some water. “You’re doing great, baby.”