The blonde answered again. “No. She was swearing a blue streak almost from the moment she landed.”

Chad hunkered down in front of his patient. “What’s your name?”

Speaking seemed to take a great deal of effort. “Finn Wasson.”

“Watson,” the blonde corrected.

Okay, slurred speech.

“Okay then. Finn, I’m Dr. Phillips. We’re gonna get you taken care of.”

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Miserable brown eyes met his, and Finn promptly vomited on his shoes. Well, he’d wanted something to deal with.

“Has she been vomiting before now?”

Margot knit her hands. “After the Jaeger and once in the car on the way over.”

“Can any of you give her medical history?”

“I’m her cousin,” the blonde said. “I’ve probably got the best shot.”

“Come with us, then.”

The cousin fell into step beside him as he wheeled Finn through the double doors and into the treatment area. As soon as he got the patient settled, he checked the reactivity of her pupils.

“Finn, can you look at me, please? How many fingers am I holding up?” He waved three slowly in front of her face.

She watched for a second, then turned vaguely green and slammed her eyes shut. “Three.”

Chad adjusted the bed so she was sitting up and gave her a basin, in case she needed to vomit again. “Corinne, let’s get her a liter bolus of normal saline.”

The blonde looked up from the clipboard of paperwork she was filling out and bit her lip. “Is she gonna be okay?”

“She’ll be fine. A lot of her symptoms could be either concussion or early stages of alcohol poisoning. Getting her rehydrated will help us sort out which. Right now, I’m leaning toward the alcohol poisoning. How much did she drink?”

“The three shots, at least one Jack and Coke, and we think about half a fifth of Bailey’s before Presley picked her up. Not sure about anything else.”

“Definitely leaning toward the alcohol poisoning.”

“I’m just trying to go out with my girls and get over it.” Finn’s eyes slitted toward her cousin. “She totally should have done this with me. That guy did her wrong. Men are bastards. All men are bastards.”

Ooookay. “I gather The Three Furies has something to do with women scorned?”

The blonde nodded, her pale hair shining in the fluorescent lights. Why did she look so familiar?

“It’s supposed to be a cathartic experience,” she explained.

“Didn’t work,” Finn announced. “I just wanted to move on, and he’s still messing with me. And I’m in the damned hospital!”

Corinne came back with the saline and started the IV.

“At least he didn’t up and marry someone else six weeks after we broke up like your asshole ex,” Finn reflected. “But hell, I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he’s married now. D’you think he’s married now?”

“I doubt he’s married, Finn,” her cousin said.

“Noooo, you’re right. Because that would involve commitment! And we know that’s an issue. What is it with men and commitment, Doc? Tell us. As a man.”