“Good, isn’t it?”

“I think I just had a foodgasm. I take it back. This is so much better than champagne for celebration.”

“We’ll revisit the champagne once we are gainfully employed in our chosen profession.”

“You didn’t have any after winning Dancing With Wishful?”

Corinne grinned. “Tucker had other ideas for how to celebrate our win.” Her cheeks heated just thinking about it. Who knew he liked a little role play off the stage?

Malika shot her a knowing grin.

Corinne scooped up a bite of pie and studied her friend. “He told me you came to see him.”

One dark brow arched up. “Mad I interfered?”

“Do I look mad?”

“You look happy. He makes you happy. I’m so glad you gave him another chance.”

“Me too. He does make me happy.” And at last, finally, she didn’t feel guilty about it.

“How was y’all’s weekend down in Lost Beach?”

Tucker’s answer to some downtime was to sweep her and Kurt off to the Mississippi coast for a long weekend beach vacation. Corinne had worried about taking more time off work, but Mama Pearl was so excited about the win, she’d practically shoved them out the door.

“It was fun. Kurt loved the ocean. He and Tucker swam and made sand castles, and I got to lay on a towel and do nothing for whole hours at a time. I actually napped. It was glorious.” And for those three days, they’d felt like a family. Everything in Corinne wanted that future, that life, with him. Tucker wanted them—both of them—but that kind of dream was a ways off. Despite how long they’d known each other, they’d only been together for a little while. She couldn’t let her heart run away with the rest of her. But it was hard to hang on to practicality when faced with such a man.

“You absolutely deserved the break,” Malika declared.

Checking the clock, Corinne said, “Speaking of break, mine’s nearly over. I should finish my pie.” She dug into it in earnest.

They chatted a few more minutes as they demolished the pie, discussing other job opportunities and plans for upcoming months. Malika was considering a traveling nurse position to see some more of the country. Corinne had the sense she’d prefer that to being locked in at the hospital here. It was good money and a good opportunity since her friend wasn’t tied down by anything. But, man, she’d miss her.

At the end of her break, Corinne rose, plate in hand to head back to the kitchen. The bell over the door jangled as another customer came in.

“I’ll be right with you. I just need to…” She trailed off as she recognized Pat

ton Holifield, Managing Director and CEO of Wilton Memorial. Hastily, she set the plate back on the table, surreptitiously wiping her hands on her apron. “Mr. Holifield. What can I get for you, sir?”

“I actually came to speak with you, if you can spare a moment.”

“Of course.” Corinne’s heart beat thick in her throat. Why was he here? Surely they didn’t give rejections in person. Maybe it had nothing to do with the hospital job at all.

God, she needed something to do with her hands. “Can I get you a cup of coffee?”

“No, that’s all right. This won’t take long.” He gestured toward the door. Away from prying ears.

Swallowing back the nerves, Corinne caught Omar’s eye through the window into the kitchen and jerked her head to indicate she’d be right back. Then she followed Mr. Holifield outside.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m here, so I’ll get straight to the point.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“We had two dozen applicants for the two nursing positions open at the hospital. As you know, we conducted panel interviews with all the candidates. Though yours went well, certain members of the board had some concerns about your suitability as a candidate.”

Corinne’s heart fell. So this was a rejection. She’d known there was a strong chance she wouldn’t get the job, but this? The head of the board had come all the way down here to tell her in person. What? The form letter rejection wasn’t good enough? She’d earned personal humiliation?

“I see,” she said, though she didn’t.