They awaited their signal from the competition staff, walking out at the emcee’s introduction and the audience’s applause. Corinne ignored them all, keeping all her focus on her partner as she took her position. The X Ambassadors’ lead singer began to croon the opening bars to “Unsteady” and her heart began to beat slow and thick against her breast. The ballroom, their audience, all of it melted away as Tucker lifted and spun, dragging her across the floor. They flowed into the dance, one mind, one desire. The scent of him stoked her senses, the feel of his hands fired her blood. And as the music faded, she was left only with want, her mouth a breath from his.

As the crowd cheered, Tucker said, “Come home with me tonight.”

“Yes. God, yes.”

The emcee’s voice boomed over the speakers. “Wowza! Tucker and Corinne, Team Dinner Belles, ladies and gentlemen. If you haven’t already put in your bet in the pool, I’d say that ship has sailed.”

They pried themselves apart and turned, hand-in-hand, to face the dais.

“Let’s see what the judges’ scores are for that stupendous Argentine tango.”

The first paddle went up. “Nine.” The second paddle. “Ten! Our first ten of the night. And the final score?” The last paddle rose. “Another ten! Ladies and gentlemen, give Team Dinner Belles a round of applause for a fantastic performance.”

Tucker whooped and Corinne found herself tugged into a fierce celebratory kiss. The crowd went nuts. Corinne’s head was still spinning as he released her to wave at the audience, towing her off the floor. His friends were waiting, offering high fives and congratulations to them both. And amid all the hubbub, she saw Malika fighting toward her. She’d hardly spent any time with her friend since the start of the competition.

“Be back,” she told Tucker, and wove her way through the crowd.

“Girl, that was amazing!” Malika wrapped her in a tight hug. “I been watching online up to now, but da-yum—emphasis on the yum. Please tell me you’re keepin’ him.”

Corinne laughed. “Seems I am.”

“I knew he was into you! Good for you. Mama Pearl was right. You absolutely needed some fun.” She almost had to shout to be heard over the noise of the crowd during the brief intermission.

“Come on. Let’s go somewhere quieter.”

They left the ballroom.

“It’s so good to see you. I’m sorry I haven’t been available to study more.”

“It’s okay. I can study on my own just fine. What about you? Have you actually had time to do much?”

Wincing, Corinne admitted, “Not as much as I’d like. But then, I’m not sure I’ll ever feel like any amount of studying is enough until the test is over.”

“Three more days.”

“Don’t remind me.”

Malika mimed zipping her lips. “So how is the hottie lawyer?”

“He’s fine. Pumped about our scores. They’re our first tens.”

The other woman rolled her eyes. “No, how is he?” She added an eyebrow waggled for clarification.

Blood heated Corinne’s cheeks. “I’m not one to kiss and tell.”

“Come on now, I’m ridin’ the single train at the moment. Have some pity and spill.”

She wasn’t ready to share all the amazing details of her night with Tucker. Before she could think of some way to deflect, Corinne caught sight of Whitney being dragged across the lobby from the ballroom. The man who had her arm in a vice grip was more than a head taller and twice as broad as her. Whitney struggled to keep up with his longer strides, stumbling on her heels. Corinne was moving before she realized, trailing the couple down the corridor toward the bathrooms.

Malika fell into step beside her. “Oh, I get it. You want some more privacy.”

“No, I... Something’s wrong.” Every inner alarm she had was blaring.

Malika clued in to her tone, followed her gaze to the couple well ahead of them. “You know them?”

“I know her.”

They’d stopped at the far end of the hall, well away from the crowds. He had Whitney by both arms now, his head dropped close to hers. But there was nothing loving or romantic about the gesture. Whitney’s face twisted with pain and no small amount of fear. The man, presumably her husband Garrett, said something in a low, menacing tone.