“Hey there, little man.” He crouched down, pointing at the Chewbacca doll Kurt had clutched in one arm. “I see you brought part of the Rebel Alliance to cheer us on.”

Kurt’s eyes got round as saucers. “You know Star Wars?”

He nodded gravely. “I do.”

“I’m gonna be a Jedi when I grow up.”

Tucker grinned. “Best job ever!” He offered his fist for a knuckle bump. The boy bumped his fist with enthusiasm and a matching grin. No wonder he was the center of Corinne’s world. He was a great kid.

“Are you a Jedi?”

“I’m a lawyer.”

“What’s a lawyer?”

“Uh.” How did one explain that to a five year old?

Corinne scooped him up. “There are different kinds, but a lawyer is someone who fights for what is right and to make sure people are getting what’s fair according to the law.”

“Jedis fight for what’s right.”

“That’s right, they do. But instead of lightsabers, lawyers use words,” Corinne told him.

Kurt pondered for a minute. “I’d rather have a lightsaber.”

Tucker laughed. “Me too, kid. Me too.”

One of the volunteers tapped him on the shoulder. “Five minutes to start.”

“Thanks.” Tucker smiled at Kurt. “It was nice to see you again, Kurt. You and your grandma need to go find your seats.”

Kurt gave his mother a smacking kiss. “Good luck, Mommy.”

She squeezed him. “Thanks, baby.”

Marianne held out her hand for her grandson’s. She divided a look between Corinne and Tucker. “Don’t screw this up.”

What a fucked up way to say ‘Good luck’.

As the pair of them walked away, Tyler came over. “Was that your Kurt?”

Corinne looked startled. “Yes, it was.”

“My goodness, he’s grown since I saw him last year! And I remember him being so shy.” Tyler smiled at her.

After a brief hesitation Corinne answered. “That phase has officially ended. He talks pretty much from the moment he gets out of bed until his head hits the pillow. And sometimes in his sleep, too.”

Tucker reached for her hand. “We’ve gotta get in position.”

“Break a leg, you two!”

“That’s theater speak for ‘good luck’,” he reminded Corinne.

She blinked a moment. “Thank you.”

Tucker mouthed his own “Thanks” back at Tyler before following the waiting staffer to the doors leading into the ballroom.

“Oh my God. It’s packed,” Corinne whispered.