“I’m not finished.”

What more was there to say?

“When pressed to provide reasons for those objections, it became clear they were allowing personal feelings to get in the way of their decision making. Your three recommendations were excellent, as were all your performance reviews during your internship at the hospital.”

Corinne blinked. “I’m sorry. My three recommendations? I only submitted two.”

“Only two were required. But a third one came in last week that I simply couldn’t ignore.”

“From who?”

“Whitney Harrington. My goddaughter.”

This was Whitney’s godfather? Corinne’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. Mr. Holifield didn’t seem to need her acknowledgment to continue the conversation.

“You fought for her. Literally. You succeeded in getting her out of a horrific situation where many of the rest of us failed. I want that kind of strength and passion in my hospital, Miss Dawson. So I’m here to offer you the job.”

Corinne stared at him. She’d gotten the job?

He continued on, reeling off starting salary, benefits and the like, but she heard almost none of it until he asked, “What do you say?”

“Yes.” She had to force the word past lips frozen with shock. “Yes, I’d love to take the job. When do I start?”

“First of the month. You’ll need to come by human resources and fill out some paperwork, of course. But we look forward to having you as part of the Wilton Memorial team.” He offered his hand.

Corinne took it. “Thank you. Thank you, sir. I can’t tell you what this means to me.” It was everything she’d been working for. The thing that would mean her independence from her mother. What would allow them to move out into their own place and finally have more than the bare minimum in their life. She’d done it.

She had to tell Tucker.

They said their goodbyes and Corinne watched as he got into his car. Before his tail lights disappeared around the corner, she’d hit a dead run. People stared as she raced across the town green, but she paid no attention. She didn’t stop until she stumbled, gasping for air, through the front door of Tucker’s office.

Mrs. Prescott looked up from her desk, “Well, my Lord. Are you okay, honey?”

Unable to speak for sucking in air, Corinne just nodded and gestured vaguely toward Tucker’s office, hoping the woman would understand the question of whether he was in and if he was alone.

The man himself emerged, a folder in hand. “Mrs. P, do you know if— Corinne?” He dropped the folder, crossing to her in two strides. “What’s wrong? Did something happen to Kurt?”

Corinne shook her head. “Nothing wrong.” Gracious, she hadn’t run full tilt like this since high school. She sucked in another lungful of air. “Got the job.”

“You got the hospital job? Here at Wilton Memorial?”

She nodded.

He gave a great whoop and spun her around in a bear hug. “That’s fantastic!”

Getting her breath back, she grinned. “Ran all the way here to tell you.”

“So I see. Aren’t you on shift?”

“I am. And I—” She hissed a breath. “Oh, good Lord, I left Malika sitting at the diner.”

Tucker laughed. “You could’ve called.”

“Never even crossed my mind. I wanted to tell you first.”

Vivian stuck her head out from her office down the hall. “Hey Corinne, Mama’s on the phone. She’s looking for you.”

“Tell her I’m bringing her back now,” Tucker said, “and to ready the celebratory pie.”