“Darius Greeley. Not a local. Moved in a few years ago with Wishful PD. His people are from Baltimore. He married Mama Pearl’s almost youngest this summer. Tucker’s law partner, Vivian.”

“One of the twins, right?”


They climbed out of the car.

“Corinne! I hear tell I’m gonna be losing my favorite waitress,” Darius called.

“From your mouth to God’s ear. My interview at the hospital was this morning.”

“Yeah? How’d it go?”

Corinne shrugged. “As well as it was gonna. Panel interviews are a thing of the devil. How’s Viv?”

“Good. She said she’s taking over some of Tucker’s cases this week to give y’all some extra rehearsal time.”

“Blame it all on your mama-in-law. She’s got a competitive streak ten miles wide.” And she knew they were behind on practicing their freestyle routine. “Has it been all quiet?”

“Nary a peep other than nosy neighbors. Can’t complain too much. Mrs. Carsen brought out fresh cookies.”

“She bakes amazing cookies,” Whitney put in.

“That she does,” Darius agreed. “Y’all go on in, do what you need to do. I’ll be right here if you need anything.”

Whitney’s hand trembled as she tried to insert the key into the lock, so Corinne took it from her, doing the honors herself and pushing open the door into the kitchen. They stepped inside. The bloody kitchen towel she’d used to staunch the bleeding the night before still lay crumpled on the counter.

“I don’t know why I expected it to look different,” Whitney said.

“Because today you’re different.” Corinne wrapped an arm around her, pleased when her friend did the same.

“I don’t know where to start.”

“Let’s start with a couple of weeks’ worth of clothes and anything that’s really important to you. Pictures, heirlooms. Anything Garrett might destroy out of spite. We’ll load up your car with whatever will fit, then go from there.”


They climbed the stairs together.

“I didn’t know you were interviewing out at Wilton Memorial.”

“It won’t be the only place I’ll apply, but it’s the most obvious. I did my clinical hours there, and I really like the staff, the work. I feel like it’d be a good fit.”

“They’d be lucky to have you.”

Because Whitney’s voice sounded a little choked, Corinne tried to lighten the mood. “Hey now, I know we’re doing this whole turning over a new leaf thing, but let’s not go crazy with the compliments.”

Whitney gave a watery laugh. “I know. Someone should check to see if hell froze over. But I mean it. They’d be lucky to have you. I feel lucky to have you. And I didn’t say it last night because there was just so much going on and I was so overwhelmed, but…thank you. For helping me. For deciding to be my friend again.”

Feeling a little watery herself, Corinne wrapped the smaller woman in a hug. “Thank you for letting me.”

Chapter 19

“—and as we stand here at the start of the final performance of Dancing With Wishful, I want to thank everyone involved in the project.”

From his position on the sidelines, Tucker watched Norah on the big screen they’d set up at the opposite end of the ballroom.

“The fundraiser has been a total success and our local women’s shelter will be able to break ground on a new addition later this fall!”