Leah spotted them first. “Here they are!” she crooned, already crossing over, Preston on her hip. “Oh, he is just gorgeous and I can’t believe you’ve been keeping him a secret all this time. Let me see the ring,” she gushed.

Already wishing her sister would take a breath, Piper held out her hand.

“Wow. Just wow.” She shot an impressed look at Myles. “You did good. I’m Leah Cramer, by the way. Baby sis. And this is Preston. Pres, this is going to be your Uncle Myles.”

“Pie,” Preston said, stretching his chubby little arms out for Piper.

Myles chuckled. “I think he’s more interested in dessert.”

“No, I’m Pie.” Piper handed Myles her clutch and reached for her nephew.

“She’s his absolute favorite thing,” Leah said, handing him over.

Preston immediately latched on like a monkey, pressing his sticky cheek to Piper’s. “Pie,” he said happily.


the adoration was completely mutual, she snuggled him to her while Leah continued the introductions.

“This is my husband, Elliott. And I believe you’ve met our parents, Twyla and Paul.”

Myles shook hands all around, wisely not mentioning the circumstances of their first meeting.

Piper bounced Preston on her hip. “Hey buddy. Can you say hi to Myles?”

He shifted around in Piper’s arms and fixed solemn blue eyes on Myles. Myles bent down a bit to get on Preston’s level, offering his hand. “Hey there. Pie’s my favorite, too.”

Preston giggled and gave Myles a toothy grin. “Pie!” He let go of Piper and leaned toward Myles.

“Oh. Well, apparently that was the magic phrase.” Piper tried to shift him back to a better position before he fell, but Myles plucked him up and settled him on his own hip, her clutch tucked under his arm.

“No worries. We Pie-men must stick together, right Preston?”

The sight of Myles with her nephew perched comfortably in one arm made something in Piper’s chest feel funny. She watched him attempt to teach Preston to fist bump and tried to catch her breath. Leah and Twyla exchanged pleased looks.

“You look good with a kid, big brother.”

The sound of another woman’s voice shook Piper out of her daze.

The Stewart clan had come out of the bar to join them. At the head of the pack was a young woman a few inches taller than Piper, with Myles’ caramel eyes and a ready smile.

“Yeah, well, don’t get ahead of yourself,” Myles said. “Nobody’s in a hurry here.”

“Says the guy getting married in ten days. I’m Skye. And of course, you’re Piper. I’ve heard so much about you!” Skye pulled Piper into a warm hug.

“You have?” Piper cut her eyes toward Myles, wondering what he’d said.

“Of course, this sneaky devil played it off like you weren’t dating during the show. I totally didn’t believe him. Your chemistry was way too good. The show was amazing, by the way.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize you came,” Piper said faintly.

“Suzanne, Skye, and I did. It was wonderful. I had no idea my boy could act.” An older version of Skye stepped forward, her dark hair swept up in a classic chignon.

“I could always act,” Myles protested.

She shot him a pitying look. “Not based on the stories you told to cover up your shenanigans growing up. I’m Augusta Stewart, Myles’ mother. Welcome to the family.” She, too, stepped in for a hug, pressing her cheek to Piper’s as she whispered, “I’m sorry about my mother-in-law.”

“Thank you,” Piper murmured.