Piper had been trying to put that fight out of her mind. “Oh?”

“I was really upset by what you said.”

Ugh, not this again. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you—”

“I know. You didn’t even know I was there, and that made you more candid than you might otherwise have been. Which is saying something. But I wasn’t hurt because you were angry—at least not much. I was hurt because you truly seem to believe that we expect you to change.”

Because every sigh, every wince, every baffled shake of head says exactly that. But Leah seemed to legitimately be trying to say something here, so Piper kept that to herself.

Leah swept blush along the high cheekbones that matched Piper’s own. “Do you know why Mom and I got so excited about your wedding?”

“Because good Southern girls get married.”

Leah rolled her eyes and proceeded to swipe on mascara. “Because it was finally something we both felt like we could relate to you about. We’ve spent all your life trying to find common ground and failing.”

Of course, she’d managed to screw that up, too. What would they say when she turned up divorced and pregnant?

Black sheep to the end.

“You aren’t anything like us. And that’s fine. It doesn’t mean we love or appreciate you any less.”

“I’m pretty sure Mom would appreciate it fine if I learned to hold my tongue and got my give-a-damn switch fixed.”

Lips twitching, Leah met her eyes in the mirror. “That may be true. Mom’s old school. But the fact that you’re gutsy and don’t care what other people think? That’s one of the things I love most about you. I don’t know how to do that. I’ve got this gigantic filter between my brain and my mouth and I almost never get to say exactly what I think because I’m too worried about how somebody would take it, and what if they’re offended or don’t like me anymore.”

“I find that kind of thinking exhausting. Which is why I don’t bother with it.”

“I love that about you.” She flashed a rueful smile. “I don’t always like what you’re saying, but the fact that you’re fearless enough to say it? I admire the heck out of that. I always have. You’re brave.”

Piper thought of the confrontation awaiting her. The one she’d keep avoiding if she could. “I’m not brave.”

“But you are. You get out there and do things. You make a difference. You get up there on stage and put yourself out there in front of an actual audience, and you’re great at it. I could never do that. I’m terrified of even the idea of doing something in front of an audience.”

“What do you call attending a Junior Auxiliary meeting?”

Leah laughed. “Synchronized gossip.”

“I call it hell.”

“Fair enough. Though if you came, those meetings would be a lot more entertaining.”

“They’d toss me out in five minutes and you know it.”

“I’m pretty sure the scandalized look on Becky Palmer’s face would be worth it.” Leah’s mouth twitched into a wicked grin that had Piper’s own smile flickering.

Leah turned from the mirror and gripped Piper by the arms. “We love you. And we’ve got your back, no matter what.”

Was there something else behind that declaration? Did she know what was going on with Myles?

No. She’d never be able to resist interfering if she knew.

Still, Piper appreciated the show of support. She pulled Leah into a hug. “Thanks. I really needed to hear that today.”

Leah pulled back and framed her face. “You’re looking a little peaked, sis. You feeling okay?”

Not even a little bit. But that was a topic she didn’t have any intention of discussing with her sister. “Aren’t you going to be late?”

She checked her watch. “Oh crap, you’re right. I’m not sure how long I’ll be. A couple hours at least. Elliott’s out of town for a work thing, so I really appreciate you pinch hitting for me.”