Feeling stupid and paranoid, he checked the rest of the house. She’d just picked up some. Maybe when she came home for her own lunch. But he didn’t find the pillows, and the books weren’t on the bookcase they’d hauled into the guest room.

Paranoia shifted to unease as he hit their bedroom. It was too…neat. Moving quicker now, he stepped into their closet—and found her half all but empty.

What the hell?

He was already racing for the door as he called her again. “C’mon. Pick up, woman!” As before, there was no answer.

Cursing, he tossed his phone into the cup holder and drove like a bat out of hell across town to her house. True worry set in when her car wasn’t in the driveway.

“Where the hell are you, Piper?”

Myles didn’t know what this meant, but it couldn’t be anything good.

Checking his panic, he blew out a breath and called Tyler.

“Is Piper with you?” The question spilled out almost before she managed to say “Hello.”

“No. I just got home from work. Why?”

“She should’ve been home from work by now. I thought she was packing, but I’m at her place, and she’s not here either. I’m worried.”

“I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe she hit up McSweeney’s for groceries or stopped by the pharmacy to pick up something.”

But she wouldn’t take her clothes to either of those places. He stopped himself from saying that. Saying it would make it real, and he wasn’t ready to accept what his mind was already telling him.

“I’m sure you’re right. If you hear from her, just...let me know, okay?”


Back in the car, he headed into town to drive by the grocery and pharmacy, just in case. He called Norah and had almost the same conversation.

He didn’t have Miranda’s number and didn’t think to ask Norah for it, so he bypassed the phone entirely and drove to her house. One of the benefits of living in a small town. Her SUV was in the drive, engine still popping and cooling. She hadn’t been home long. The door swung open before he could knock.

“Myles. What are you doing here?”

“Where is she?”

“Piper? I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since first thing this morning.”

“She left work early?” Well, obviously she had. Patty had said she’d been by The Observer. He’d just assumed she’d gone back to work.

Miranda frowned. “Yeah, she was only in for about half an hour before I sent her home.”

“Was she sick again? I told her she wasn’t up to going back yet, but I’d have had to tie her down to keep her in bed another day.” It was inane, normal conversation in the face of the panic working its way through him.

“She’s never been a good patient.” Miranda stepped back. “Why don’t you come inside?”

Myles moved past her into the foyer. “What’s going on?”

“She didn’t come talk to you? Didn’t call?”

“No. About what?”

“You really need to hear it from her.”

He felt his head go light, a million awful possibilities spinning through his head. His hands were wrapped around her arms before he realized it. “Miranda, what’s wrong with Piper?”

She hesitated, then shook her head. “As her doctor, I’m bound by confidentiality.”