“Even if I did hija

ck her carefully planned ceremony?”

His mother waved that away. “She wanted something worthy of the society pages. You gave it to her in a way that no one is likely to top. Anyway, I expect you’re both pretty exhausted. It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks.”

On cue, Piper’s jaw split with a yawn.

“Thought so. Let’s find Margot. We’ll get that bouquet toss done so you can get out of here.”

Absolutely nobody was under the delusion that they were really tired, but Myles wasn’t about to complain. He’d take whatever help he could get.

The ubiquitous Margot popped up as if they’d summoned her from a lamp. “Ready for your send off?”

“We are,” Myles confirmed. “How exactly is that going to work since we’re not actually leaving the hotel?”

“We’re not?” Piper asked.

“I booked the honeymoon suite for the night.”

She pivoted into him, tipping her lips toward his ear. “If I’d known that, I’d have dragged you off an hour ago.”

Myles choked back a groan, his brain more than happy to provide ample inspiration for what they could’ve been doing for that hour.

“The suite is all ready, per your instructions. We’ll just get the DJ to call together all the ladies for the toss, then everyone will line the ballroom to the lobby to see you to the elevator. Unless you have another preference?”

Having no better ideas, they gave their blessing. Leo Hamilton, one of Patty’s sons and official DJ for the night, began blasting Beyonce’s “Single Lady” over the PA. “Ladies, if you will gather on the dance floor, it’s time for the bouquet toss!”

There was a rush of women to the center of the ballroom, his baby sister among them.

“What’s Skye doing out there?”

“She’s of age, big brother.”

Myles scowled. “She is not. She should still be wearing pigtails.”

“We’ll have a discussion at a later date about how it’s perfectly reasonable for her to be dating. I’m up.” Picking up her skirts, Piper made her way to the front of the crowd. She looked around, focusing on Zach. “You ready?”

“Whenever you are,” he called back.

Turning her back to the crowd, she waved the bouquet, once, twice, and on the third time hurled it into the air. The flowers sailed high, dropping down in the middle of the crowd. A scuffle broke out, and Myles could’ve sworn he heard a little shriek before a hand shot up, bouquet clutched in it. The other hopefuls fell away to reveal Simone, with her Cheshire cat grin dialed up to full wattage. From the sidelines, Omar gave her a thumb’s up. Myles noted Mama Pearl giving her The Eye. He thought about passing on a warning to Simone—not just anyone would do for Mama Pearl’s baby boy—but ultimately Myles decided he’d rather stay quiet and watch the fireworks as they happened. Besides, he had more important things to attend to right now.

Margot took the mic from Leo and began directing guests to line up for the send off. Myles retrieved his bride, and they circled around to the end of the line. Zach took his place in front of them to catch the well-wishers throwing...wait, what the hell were they throwing? Surely not rice or bird seed inside?

Confetti. Silver and white confetti showered over the two of them as they hurried down the corridor of people. Wolf whistles and cheers chased them all the way into the lobby, where they made a beeline for the elevator a hotel employee was holding open.

Piper collapsed against the back wall, laughing as the doors closed. “I’m going to be picking confetti out of my hair and clothes for a week.”

Myles swiped a hand over his tongue. “I’m pretty sure I ate some.”

She heaved a relieved sigh. “Well, we did it. We survived the wedding. More importantly, we survived your grandmother. We—” She cut off, her face going slack with panic. “We forgot the prenup.”

He hadn’t even thought to have one drawn up after the two minutes of thought he’d given it the night she’d proposed. “I’m so not worried about the prenup.”

“But I promised.”

“You made a bigger promise on the roof.” He gripped the railing on either side of her, effectively caging her with his body against the back wall. “So unless you are having some ill-timed second thoughts, I believe that means we’ve arrived at the reward portion of the night.”

Her hands splayed on his chest. “No second thoughts. Although since I didn’t know we were going to be staying here tonight, I don’t have any of my stuff here. I thought we’d swing by my place when we left.”