“Yes. That’s why I had the rule. I figured if the infatuation lasted, if he waited for me, then there was something more substantial there. Myles waited. No question, no pressure, just respect for my decision, even though he knew perfectly well that it wouldn’t have taken much to make me change my mind.”

“He’s a good guy,” Tucker conceded.

“One of the best I’ve known. And he’s going to start worrying if I don’t get back in there.”

Tucker stood and offered his hand. “Okay then. Let’s go sing your last single hours away.”

Chapter 9

“You’re marrying one of my best friends today.”

Myles caught sight of Tucker’s grave expression in the mirror’s reflection. They were alone in the groom’s suite, the other groomsmen having gone off to do more of Gram’s bidding. The ceremony was scheduled to start in less than half an hour. Praying for patience, he turned toward his best man, bracing himself for a repeat of the scene they’d had at The Mudcat. They really didn’t have time for this.

“I know.”

“I’ve still got my reservations about the wisdom of this whole thing, but I do believe you legitimately care about her and that you’re not going to fuck it up on purpose.”

Myles offered a wry smile. “Thanks. I think.”

“I just wanted you to know that I’m with you, when I’m standing up there. As a friend, not a potential bouncer.”

Something in Myles’ chest eased. “Thanks, Tuck. That means a lot.”

Tucker swung an arm around his shoulders. “How’s your voice? Warmed up?”

Myles sang a few scales. He was on key but his voice was shaking. Well, he figured he was entitled.


“About marrying Piper, not at all. About this bait and switch we’re

pulling without having a true rehearsal…”

“You just worry about you and your piece. We’ve got the rest. And remember, it’s just like being in a show.”

“Except in a show I can’t actually see the audience for the stage lights.”

“I’ve seen Piper. Trust me, once you see her, you won’t be able to see anything else.”

“What if she hates the surprise?”

“She won’t,” Tucker assured him. “She’s going to love every minute of it. The fact that you thought of it shows how well you understand her. And that you organized it and made it happen proves how much you care. Just breathe. In a little over thirty minutes, the hard part will be over.”

Brody barged back into the suite. “They’re seating guests already. It’s gonna be a full house. Or roof, as it were. Probably standing room only. But don’t worry. All our people will be in place before the ceremony begins. Everybody’s warmed up and ready to go.” He narrowed his eyes at Myles. “Are you? You’re looking a little sweaty.”

“I’m good. I’m just ready to get this over with and get to the party with my wife.”

Brody slapped him on the back. “Look at you saying ‘wife’ like it ain’t no thing. You got this.”

“Give it a few months. You’ll be right behind.”

“Damn skippy. Can’t wait,” Brody said.

Another knock came on the door. “Are you decent?” A moment later Myles’ mother stepped into the room.

“What are you doing down here? Shouldn’t you be upstairs getting ready for the seating of the parents?” he asked.

“Yes, and you need to be on the roof in ten minutes yourself. But it’s not like they can start without you.”