“You’re gorgeous,” Tyler assured her.

Leah stepped up on the stage and laid a light hand on her back. “It’s you. It’s so absolutely you.”

Piper turned to hug her. “I’m sorry I was pissy.”

“I’m sorry we were pushy.”

As Norah and Tyler helped her up off the little stage, Piper laughed. “Good thing we aren’t doing a church wedding. I don’t think I could manage stairs in this.”

“You know, since number three was the charm, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to require any alterations, that means we are officially ahead of schedule,” Norah said.

“And?” Piper asked.

“And I called ahead to the Babylon. They’ve got two hours of spa treatments lined up for all six of us—Augusta and Skye included.”

“Did I mention I love you?”

Norah grinned. “I do what I can.”

Chapter 8

“Preston, baby, you just have to walk from daddy down here to me, okay?” Leah’s pleading fell on deaf ears.

As their cranky ring bearer screwed up his face and began to bawl, Myles was wishing he was deaf.

Piper’s sister cringed in mortification, holding her son by his little shoulders. “Sweetheart, there’s no need for all that.”

Big, fat tears rolled down his reddened face and his wail echoed off the nearby buildings. Gram heaved a long-suffering sigh. They’d been trying to coax him down the aisle for fifteen minutes.

Looking embarrassed himself, Elliott started apologizing. “I’ll just take him down.”

Myles broke from his position beneath the pergola and headed toward the chaos. “Let me try.” He crouched down in front of his soon-to-be nephew. “Hey, little man.”

The wailing cut off, even though the tears kept rolling.

“It’s awful confusing up here, isn’t it, with all these people? Are you not wanting to leave your Aunt Pie?”

“Pie?” Preston sniffed hopefully, looking up at Piper.

“See, here’s how this is supposed to work. Everybody’s gonna be marching down this aisle here toward the front. Miss Norah, Miss Miranda, and Mis

s Tyler come down. Then you get to lead Aunt Pie down carrying this pillow here.” He stuck out a hand and took it from Elliott.


“That’s right. If you can come all the way down like a big boy and stand with me, I’ll boost you up on my shoulders so you can see her coming over everybody else.”

“Oh I don’t—”

Myles cut Leah off with his hand. “Would you like that?”

Preston nodded slowly.

“Okay then.” Myles swiped at the tears on his baby soft cheeks, feeling a curious pull. “We cool?”

The kid offered up his fist. Grinning, Myles bumped it. “Good job. Now I’m gonna be right down front. You just have to come to me.”
