“There’s one more thing I need your help with.”

“What’s that?” Tucker asked warily.

“This wedding…the way my grandmother is planning it, the whole big public spectacle isn’t what Piper wants. I can’t do much to change that. But with your help, I can at least do something to make the whole thing a little more…Piper.”

“What’d you have in mind?”

Myles outlined the plan that had been kicking around his brain all afternoon. “The deadline is insane, but if we can pull it off…”

Tucker clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Brother, that does more to put me at ease than anything else you’ve said. Everybody will be delighted to help. You just leave everything to me.”


“Where’s your mom?” Tyler asked.

Piper clenched her jaw and shoved open the door to Brides and Belles. “Not coming.”

Norah hurried after her. “Why? What happened?”

“We got into an argument at breakfast. Her feelings got hurt and now she’s in a snit. Why the fact that I do not give a rat’s ass what color the table cloths are justifies hurt feelings or a snit, I cannot explain, but I do not have the time or patience to talk her down, so we’re dress shopping without her.” Piper fixed a smile she absolutely didn’t feel on her face as she stepped up to greet the store’s owner. “Hi, Mrs. Wofford.”

“You look like you could use one of our mimosas. I’ve already got a bottle of champagne chilling back in the dressing room.”

“Oh my God, that sounds amazing.”

“Did you remember your underthings?”

For a moment Piper balked. Of course, she’d put on underwear this morning. Then she realized Mrs. Wofford meant a strapless bra and Spanks. “I didn’t. Kinda didn’t think about that.”

“I did,” Norah announced.

“Of course, you did. Because you are all knowing and awesome. Thanks.”

“You just head on back and get undressed. Fitting room one. I’ve already got a few dresses laid out for you to try.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Wofford. I appreciate you fitting me in so last minute.”

“Oh please, darlin’, call me Babette.”

Norah and Tyler followed Piper to the back.

“Miranda got called in at the hospital, so she won’t be able to make it,” Norah said.

“I’m on drink duty.” Tyler went to work pouring mimosas as Piper went in and pulled the curtain. “So what was the fight really about?”

“Underneath it all, the same old crap. She’s offended by me being me. God forbid I get to do that for my own wedding.”

Norah thrust the strapless bra past the curtain. “Did she miss the memo that you’re awesome?”

“Awesome does not have the same definition in the world of Twyla Parish as it does for us. I am the black sheep daughter. I’ve always been the black sheep daughter. Leah’s the one who did everything Mom wanted, cared about all the same things, got married right out of school and gave her an adorable grandbaby. Me, I can’t do anything right.”

“That’s really not fair, Piper.” Leah’s voice was thick with hurt outside the dressing room.

Naturally she’d shown up in time to overhear that.

Because she needed

something to do with her hands, Piper unzipped the dress that seemed the least complicated and began to shimmy into it. “I’ve never thought it was fair. I’m a completely different person from both of you and nothing I’ve ever done has seemed to be enough to earn your approval. Almost all my life it’s been ‘Why can’t you be more like Leah?’ And now I’m getting married and suddenly you’re both all smiles and happy because I finally did something right. I’m sorry if I resent the hell out of that.” She threw back the curtain and stalked out, one arm holding the dress across her breasts. “Somebody zip me, please.”