Clearly in no mood for small talk, she launched right in. “I’ve already told you: Be where you’re told, when you’re told. You’ve got a tux fitting at 4:30.”

Myles opened his mouth to say he couldn’t make a 4:30 appointment, then closed it again as his grandmother rolled right on.

“I’ve already met with the caterers this morning. Without a guest list, there’s no way to do a proper sit down dinner, so it’ll be buffet.” This she said with the faint sneer she reserved for anything she deemed as improper. “I’ll need an estimated number of those expected to attend on the bride’s side.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Simone held up a hand. “I’m sorry. Bride? Tux? Why does it sound like you’re getting married?”

“Because I am. A week from Saturday.”

“To who?” Patty asked, agape.

“Piper Parish.”

“Seriously?” Wes goggled at him.

“Yes, yes, and there’s still so much to do,” Gram said. “There’s no florist in this town. How can there be no florist?”

“Well, there used to be, but nobody was around to take over after Francine passed about six years ago because her protégé, Wynne Montgomery, moved off to New Orleans,” Patty said.

Gram waved that away. “I’ve got calls in to Whitley’s and Martha Haverford. And I’ve still got to find a photographer. I haven’t been able to reach the one listed here.”

“That’s because he’s been sitting in a meeting with me all morning,” Myles said. “Zach, you busy next Saturday?”

“Nothing I can’t rearrange.”

Myles turned back to his grandmother. “There. Photographer. Done.”

“Honestly, Myles. As if it’s that simple. Young man, I’ll need to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to go over your portfolio to see if you meet with our expectations.”

“I can make time this afternoon, but—” Zach began.

“Excellent. See that you do. Myles will give you my contact information.”

“Uh, okay.”

Myles mouthed a Sorry as Gram opened her purse and pulled out two folders. “Here’s the current itinerary. Please pass a copy to Piper when you see her at the cake tasting. You do remember you’re due at the bakery for the cake tasting in twenty minutes?”

“Yes ma’am. I remember.”

Her cell phone rang. She whipped it out of her purse and answered. “Yes Elaine. No, I’m glad you got back to me. My grandson is getting married.” Gram tipped the phone away from her mouth. “Four-thirty,” she hissed, before walking out as quickly as she’d come.

Myles’ entire staff stared at him. “So I’m getting married,” he said.

“And we’re just hearing about this now, why?” Patty asked.

“You wouldn’t have been hearing about it at all, until after the fact, if Piper and I had had our way, but our families threw a fit when they found out we were eloping.”

“You and Piper. Wow.” Zach crossed his arms. “Didn’t call that.”

“The unsung romance from White Christmas. We skated under the radar thanks to all the drama with Tyler and Brody.”

“You need engagement pictures?”

“I’m sure Gram will say we do. I’ll touch base with Piper and see when we can squeeze them in. And listen, please don’t take offense at her. She’s like a five star general leading a campaign when she gets into event planning mode.”

“I see now where you get it,” he said.