“I’ve spent seven months trying to figure out how the hell I fit here, and it wasn’t until you that I felt like I did. I hate that you’ve been slapped with all this pain in the ass need for repairs, but it’s helped me figure things out. You helped me figure things out. I like building stuff. I like seeing measurable progress to the work I’m doing instead of a big ass pile of rubble and destruction.”

Riley smiled at him. “That’s perfect! You weren’t made for life behind a desk. And I see why we’re celebrating, but how exactly is this a surprise for me? Or did you already know about that fantasy I have about you and your tool belt?”

Liam’s lips curved, but his expression remained serious. “I wanted to give this to you as proof that I’m serious and I’m committed. I didn’t want you to worry that I’d leave again.”

What began as a tremble shifted to a quake as her heart cracked wide open, all the adolescent hero worship, all the lust and affection gave way to a love that warmed her down to her toes. That he’d think of that… Her throat went tight, and for a moment, Riley was terrified she’d cry. She swallowed the lump and cradled his face. “Thank you.” Then she kissed him, pouring out everything she wasn’t yet ready to say.

His arms wrapped around her, his hand snaking into her hair as he answered with equal passion. He stirred inside her, and she murmured against his lips, “You promised me celebration, Boy Scout.”

He took a firm grip on her butt as he thrust up “Let it never be said that I don’t give my girl what she needs.”


Liam woke Sunday morning with regret. Not that he’d been with Riley—if there was a better way to spend a weekend than making love to a beautiful woman, watching classic movies, and noshing on Chinese and pizza, he didn’t know what it was—but because their alone time was almost over. Who knew when the next opportunity would present itself? Determined to make the most of what time they had left, he slipped out of bed and headed downstairs.

Riley was not a morning person. He’d known this about her in an abstract sense, but seeing the truth in action was a whole different thing. She was so adorably befuddled in the morning until she’d had her coffee. Granted, she’d gotten very little actual sleep, but Liam had a feeling that didn’t matter much, so he went ahe

ad and started the coffee. As the Columbian brew began to drip, her cat wandered into the kitchen and began to meow pitifully. Valium had finally deigned to show himself during their movie marathon yesterday. Or maybe it was just that they’d finally surfaced long enough to notice him.

While he searched out the cat food, Liam thought back to the problem of their lack of privacy. There were only two possible solutions he could see. Either he went ahead and got his own place or Riley’s mom moved out. Getting himself a place would be simple enough; though, time was an issue until he finished renovations on the pharmacy. He didn’t want to wait that long. He wanted her beside him when he went to sleep, in his arms when he woke. The truth was, he didn’t want his own place. He wanted a place with Riley.

That realization slammed into him, leaving him stunned.

And he’d thought his mom would push once he got serious about a woman?

Valium sank claws into Liam’s leg, reminding him to actually put the kibble in the bowl. Shaking off the cat, Liam finished feeding him and poured coffee before heading back upstairs. Riley was still sleeping. Not wanting to disturb her, he sat on the chair in the corner to drink his coffee and think.

That night they’d had dinner at Magnolia Heights, she’d told him to build his own place. Liam wondered what she’d say if she realized he’d been building that place around her? He wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about that himself. It was way too damned soon to talk about moving in together. Which meant the easier solution was helping Sharilyn get her own place. That would alleviate Riley’s burden of taking care of her financially and give them the option for privacy when they wanted it. Win-win, really.

Riley stirred, reaching across to his side of the bed. “Liam?”

“Morning beautiful.”

She propped herself up on one elbow, expression faintly confused as if wondering why he was all the way across the room.

“I made some coffee.” He nodded toward the travel mug on the bedside table.

Sleepy blue eyes blinked, shifting between him and the coffee. Something in her face softened. “Come here.”

Liam crossed to the bed, bending close at the crook of her finger.

She brushed her lips over his. “I got to sleep in and a sexy man brought me coffee in bed. I had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.”

“That enough proof for you?”

“Mmm, I think I could go for some more convincing.”

“What about your coffee?”

“The sexy man was smart enough to put it in a travel mug to keep it warm. Because he’s a Boy Scout like that.”

When she tugged, he tumbled back into bed.

As it turned out, the coffee was cold by the time they got to it.

They stumbled into the kitchen, stomachs growling. She was wearing his shirt from Friday night. Damn if he didn’t like that.

“You gonna give me my shirt back?”