Riley relaxed. “That’ll be fun. How are you getting there? Do you need to borrow the car?” If she needed anything, Liam could probably take her.

“Nope,” Autumn said. “Judd’s Nanna’s birthday is this weekend. He has to work, so he and Mary Alice are going for the party tomorrow and coming back late. I’m staying the weekend at the farm, so I told your mom she could hitch a ride with me.”

“I just wanted you to know I’d be gone until Sunday. You know, so you don’t worry.” This last was said with a pointed look that had Riley frowning.

You’re welcome, Autumn mouthed.

Translation: I’m making sure your mom will be gone all weekend, so she won’t be around to barge in on you and your sexy new boyfriend.

Oh God.

“That’s…very considerate,” Riley choked out, knowing her face was flaming ten shades of crimson.

“Are you all packed, Sharilyn?” Autumn asked.

“Just need to swing by the house and grab my bag.”

“Why don’t we do that, and then I can drop you back by work for the rest of your shift.”

“Sounds great. I’m off at six.” Sharilyn popped her over-sized sunglasses back on and headed for the door “Have a good weekend, baby!”

With a final wave and a wink, Autumn followed her out.

Looked like Riley wasn’t the only one getting a surprise tonight.


“It really shouldn’t be too bad.” Liam could already see how the place could look with some TLC. “There’s no need to knock out walls or alter the floor plan. Updated fixtures, refinished cabinetry and trim. It can all be done very reasonably.”

Babette Wofford crossed her arms and nodded. “What kind of timeline are we looking at?”

“Well, I need to knock out the pharmacy first thing, and that’s going to take some time. And then finish up the apartment above it. Maybe a month or six weeks before I could start. But the job itself…a week. Maybe two.”

“That’s fine,” Babette said. “You just let me know.”

“I’ll work up that estimate and get it to you in the next few days. You can get some other quotes in the meantime to make an educated decision.”

Babette waved her hand. “I don’t need other bids. You were a good, honest boy and you’re a good, honest man. I’ll wait until you’re available to do the job.”

Mildly exasperated and more than a little amused, Liam said, “I appreciate that Mrs. Wofford. But if you change your mind in the meantime, no hard feelings.”

They headed down the stairs.

“I’m just happy to finally be doing something with it. Meanwhile, I’ll be looking for a new tenant for the studio apartment down on Sutton. My last one up and skipped out on his lease last month. Moved his stuff out and didn’t tell a soul. We didn’t realize anything was wrong until he was late with his rent.”

Liam’s interest piqued. “What’s the rent?”

Babette named a figure. “After this latest fiasco, first and last month’s rent will be required up front. And a security deposit. Are you interested? Not to talk you out of it, but it’s a real crackerbox of a place. I can’t imagine a man your size fitting comfortably there.”

He thought of Riley’s insistence that he stay out of things with her mother. But giving Sharilyn information about a place that would suit her needs hardly qualified as actual interference. “I’m not, but I know somebody else who might be. Do you have time to show it to me?”

It really was a crackerbox, but it was clean and functional. More to the point, it was within walking distance of everything downtown, which made it affordable, even on an hourly wage, if she wasn’t having to pay for a car. Sharilyn could probably swing it, and it would do her good to have a taste of the independence that her daughter prized above all else.

Because it was on his mind, he headed straight to McSweeney’s Market. The after work, pre-weekend rush was starting. Since he didn’t want to take up Sharilyn’s time without even buying something, he swung through the floral department to grab one of the ready-made bouquets. By the time he’d picked between sunflowers, Gerbera daisies, and something hot pink and tropical looking, the crowds had thinned, and he caught Riley’s mom alone at her register.

She gave him a broad smile when he approached. “Well, aren’t those just the prettiest things? For Riley?”

“Yes, ma’am.”