“You’s already there, baby,” Ruby said.

Vivian shot her aunt a dark look. “Don’t even.”

Riley repressed a smile. “The wedding’s next weekend, right?”

“It is. Mama’s about beside herself with the details. Because, of course, Mama Pearl Buckley can’t be satisfied with being the Goddess of Pie in this town. She can’t dare let somebody else bake the wedding cake. Never mind that Carolanne’s are amazing and we have a hundred and seventy five thousand other things to do between now and the wedding. Violet’s on a tear because she’s convinced Mama’s trying to matchmake her for the reception—and who are we kidding? It’s Mama, so of course she is. Omar and George are being Switzerland. And Ray and Carmen and their families don’t get in until middle of next week.” Vivian reached over the counter to take Riley by the wrists, a faintly crazed look in her eyes. “I’m desperate. Ruby tells me you’ve got a Chill The Heck Out kit for brides. Tucker says I’m not allowed to come back to the office or set foot in a courtroom until I get it, and I’m due in front of Judge Carpenter at three.”

Riley said a silent prayer of thanks that she was an only child. “Deep breaths. I’ve got exactly what you need.” She gathered up the essential oils for the Stress Away kit. “So where’s Darius during all this? Can’t he take some of the heat?”

“Gettin’ ready to leave for New Orleans for his bachelor party. I mean, at least he’s doing it this weekend instead of right before the wedding, so he’ll be recovered, but, Lord have mercy, I need all this to be over and soon.”

“Breathe, baby girl,” Ruby ordered.

“T minus a week and change to your honeymoon in Jamaica,” Molly reminded her.

Riley took Vivian’s hands and rubbed a few drops of the stress away oil on the undersides of her wrists, making slow circles over her pulse points. “Just focus on the finish line of those sandy beaches and lazy ocean waves. A whole week away from work, away from family, just you and your new hubby and an all inclusive resort package.”

Vivian closed her eyes and exhaled long and slow, some of the tension draining out of her shoulders. “I can do that. Vacation. Glorious vacation.”

Riley continued to rub Vivian’s wrists and let the fantasy of a vacation seep into her own mind, imagined wiggling her toes in the sand and feeling salty breezes against her skin. Wouldn’t that be lovely? Not that she had anyone to share it with, but at this point a vacation of any kind would be amazing.

“I feel better.”

“Toldya.” Ruby crossed her arms in satisfaction.

“What is this stuff?” Vivian picked up the bottle.

“It’s a blend of lavender, vanilla, cedarwood, lime, and a couple of other essential oils designed to reduce your stress. Here, dab a bit more behind your ears and on the back of your neck. Like perfume.”

“Smells wonderful.”

“It does,” Riley agreed. Deciding she could use some too, she added a few drops to the diffuser on the counter. “No side effects, no crash, no overdosing. Just use as you need.”

“I’ll take it! What do I owe you?”

Riley folded Vivian’s hand around the bottle. “Not a thing. Consider it an early wedding present.”

“Are you sure? Because this stuff is surely worth its weight in gold.”

Delighted to share her passion for essential oils, Riley smiled. “Positive. Consider it a gateway oil. Come see me when you get back and I can introduce you to all the other zillions of things you can do with them.”


“Come on, baby girl. We got an appointment with that florist in Lawley.” Ruby began herding her niece out the door.

“Good luck, Viv,” Riley called.

“See you after the wedding, Ruby,” Molly added.

Ruby waved and shut the door behind them.

Riley picked her coffee back up, watching the two women disappear from view. “That. That right there is why some people should just elope.”

“Is that what you’d do?” Molly asked.

Shrugging, Riley took her stool again. “Would depend on the guy, I guess. It’s what my parents did. But as I’ve already married the business, it’s a moot point. Anyway, I think the oils will help her if she’ll use them.”

“I’d say that’s been a great sideline you’ve added.”