“Sunflowers are a good choice. They’re a favorite. She’ll just love those. It’s the kind of little thing she’d never buy for herself but absolutely appreciates.”

He was doubly glad he’d decided to stop. “I’d say she deserves a little spoiling.”

“She absolutely does.” Sharilyn rang him up. “Would you like to make a contribution to our Good Food for Good Neighbors program?”

“And what is that, exactly?”

“The program enables you to tack on a donation to your bill, either by automatically rounding up to the nearest dollar or by adding an amount of your choosing. The money then goes into a fund managed here at the store that can be distributed via gift cards for store credit so those in need can buy groceries. It’s a way for people in our community to help those who need it without having to go out of their way or do anything complicated.”

“And since the money is on gift cards, there’s no stigma attached.”

“Exactly,” Sharilyn said.

“This was your idea.” It wasn’t a question.

A shadow of pain flit across her face. “If something like this had been around fifteen or twenty years ago, maybe Riley wouldn’t have been harassed.”

“This is a brilliant idea.”

Sharilyn’s cheeks pinked. “It’s just experimental for now, but if it works out, Matthew’s going to make it a permanent thing.”

Matthew McSweeney strode over. “I can’t imagine it not being a rousing success. So far the response has been really positive. People like the idea of their donations staying local.”

“I certainly do. Put me down for twenty,” Liam said.



“Oh you are the sweetest thing.”

Matthew beamed at her. “Innovators deserve reward. I think we need to discuss a raise. Why don’t you close out your till and come see me in my office before you head out.”

Wide-eyed, Sharilyn just nodded and watched him walk away.

“Congratulations,” Liam told her.

“It’s so unexpected.”

“Why? You’ve been working hard, clearly doing a good job. And in light of that, there’s something I wanted to mention to you.”


Liam told her about the apartment. “I wasn’t sure if you were to a point you could be thinking about that, but it seemed pretty ideal, and since they lost their last tenant unexpectedly, they’re eager to fill it.”

Sharilyn gnawed on her lip. “I’ll have to do some number crunching, see if I can swing it.”

“You just let me know, and I’ll go look over it with you.” He didn’t know why he said it other than she was the kind of woman who seemed like she’d be more comfortable making a decision with a man around to approve. And he could make sure she didn’t get herself into trouble.

“I’ll do that.”

He pick

ed up the flowers.

“And Liam? Thank you for wanting to take care of Riley.”

His lips curved as he imagined Riley’s reaction to such a statement. “I’m not sure she’d say the same.”