The restroom, a fancy one with a little sitting room, was blessedly empty. She waited until her mom was washing her hands, meeting Sharilyn’s soft brown eyes in the vanity mirror. “I owe you an apology.”

“For what, baby?”

“For being so hard on you. For always expecting the worst and not really giving you a chance. You’re not me, and I shouldn’t expect you to behave like me. What you’ve done is wonderful. And I just wanted to say that I’m really, really proud of you. You’ve worked so hard since you came home, and it’s finally paying off.”

“I owe it to you.”


Sharilyn dried her hands and turned to face her. “You finally made me stand on my own two feet. You’ve been doing that yourself since you were a little thing. Even before your daddy died. Always so independent. Randy used to say you were his little carbon copy, and in a lot of ways you are. He took care of me. After he was gone, you stepped into that role far too early. I shouldn’t have let you do it. But I’ve never been as strong as you.”


“No, let me finish. I’m grateful you were strong, that you have that much of your father in you. It helped. It helped that you’re so like him. Because as long as you took care of me, it was a little like having a piece of him back.” She stroked Riley’s hair back.

Riley swallowed past the tightness in her throat.

“I let that go on way too long. I’m under no delusions about where we’d have ended up without you. But I’m glad you finally broke the pattern and made me break it, too.”

It hadn’t been for her mother to break. Riley had played her father’s role for far too long, trying to take over and do everything. Enabling and perpetuating the cycle they’d been stuck in. And that hadn’t been what Sharilyn needed.

“I think, maybe, it’s helped me stop looking for your daddy in other men. Randy was one of a kind. I was so, so lucky to have found him. But it feels good to take care of myself. Good to contribute to something. So, thank you.”

“Seems like Matthew’s helped with that, too,” Riley conceded.

“He has. That man has the patience of Job and a heart bigger than the ocean. He understands where I came from and seems to know exactly how to support me without taking over. Your daddy never had the patience for that, God love him.”

That was what Sharilyn had needed.

Liam instinctively understood that kind of support. He was strong enough to help, strong enough to stand back. And maybe it was exactly what Riley needed, too.

As if she knew where Riley’s thoughts had turned, Sharilyn linked her arm through Riley’s. “We Gower women seem to be doing pretty well for ourselves in the man department lately.

“You two seem good together.”

“He’s good for me. And I hope I’m good for him. But we’re taking things slow.” Sharilyn dimpled. “A novel concept for me.”

“Slow is good.”

“It can be. But there’s nothing wrong with fast either. Not when it’s right.” She shot Riley a meaningful look.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Mom. Liam and I are fine exactly as we are.”

“If I were you, I’d grab on to that man with both hands and never let go.”

“For once, Mom, I’m inclined to agree with you.”

“He’s got a very nice behind for grabbing.”

“Mom!” Riley laughed.

“No harm in appreciating God’s artwork, honey. Now come on I want to get some tiramisu.”

Chapter 20

“I don’t understand why I have to wear a blindfold.” Riley started to reach up and remove it, but Liam stopped her.

“You have to wear a blindfold because it’s a surprise.”